The Zip-Top Bag Hack For Moist Banana Bread Every Time

banana bread on cutting board
banana bread on cutting board - Arx0nt/Getty Images

Banana bread, a classic quick loaf bread made with mashed bananas, is simply delicious. Rich and buttery, with a delectably fluffy texture and a mild banana flavor, the sweet treat was initially made popular during the Great Depression. The bread has since expanded to serve as the perfect base for various mix-ins, from walnuts to chocolate chips to blueberries.

In recent decades, banana bread has continued to gain popularity as a healthier alternative to other breakfast pastries. Due to the natural flavor profile of the ripened bananas, it doesn't require a lot of sugar to sweeten. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it swiftly became one of the general public's favorite baking ventures. But everyone knows that banana bread is nothing if it isn't moist. While there are various methods of delivering moisture-rich banana bread that melts in your mouth, using a zip-top bag to keep your bread moist and fluffy is the technique that stands far above the rest. So go ahead and grab those resealable bags, and get ready to bake the decadent banana bread you deserve. All you have to do is throw it in the bag, seal it, and pop it in the fridge for a while.

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Using A Zip-Top Bag For Moist Banana Bread

person taking banana bread out of oven
person taking banana bread out of oven - Olga Cranga/Shutterstock

Maximizing your banana bread's deliciously moist texture with a zip-top bag requires only a few simple steps. You'll prepare your banana bread batter as usual, being sure to mix it by hand -- using an electric mixer will add too much air to your batter, adversely affecting its texture. It's also important that you don't over-mix your batter. Instead, you'll want to mix only until your flour is well incorporated, or you risk an overly chewy consistency.

When your bread has finished baking, allow it to cool for a few minutes before removing it from your pan. Then, simply place the whole loaf in a resealable sandwich bag, seal it, and place the bag in your refrigerator for about 30 minutes until it's fully cooled -- the bag will lock in its moisture for a divine melt-in-your-mouth texture. Alternatively, if you like your banana bread moist, but not so moist that it becomes sticky, you can place a paper towel in the bag with your bread and put it in a cool place. The paper towel will soak up the excess moisture, allowing for a deliciously moist bread without a soggy texture, as well as keep your bread from molding when kept at room temperature.

Once your bread has cooled completely, feel free to slice and dig in. You can store your banana bread in an airtight container, or keep it in the resealable bag, at room temperature for three to four days, assuming you have any left.

Other Tips For Moist Banana Bread

person holding mashed bananas
person holding mashed bananas - Nungning20/Getty Images

There are a handful of other useful tips and tricks to deliver deliciously moist banana bread. Imperative to the success of your banana bread, for example, is picking the right bananas. You want your fresh bananas to be ripe, but not overripe, so look for bananas that have yellow peels with even brown spots as these will have the sweetest flavor. The tender texture will contribute to a decadent, moist consistency. You can also add sour cream or Greek yogurt -- about ½ cup -- to your batter to add tenderness, not to mention a delicious tangy flavor profile. Be sure that if you use yogurt, however, you mix it well to incorporate the whey (the liquidy part that separates) before adding it to your batter.

If you'd like to be able to make banana bread any time without having to make a grocery store dash, go ahead and freeze your bananas. That's right, freeze those overripe bananas you thought you'd have to throw away, then microwave them later to thaw them out. Then, you can mash them with their juices before adding them to the rest of your ingredients, and you're setting the stage for some seriously moist bread you'll want to sing about.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.