Zoo Animals in South Australia Enjoy Easter-Themed Treats

Footage released by Zoos South Australia on April 17 shows greater bilbies, quokkas, meerkats and a giant panda eating meals out of Easter-themed containers at Adelaide Zoo and Monarto Safari Park.

Mark Smith, Curator of Adelaide Zoo, said seeing a greater bilby playing with an egg “sparks interest and delight in nature” in children visiting the zoo.

“It’s so important because we hope our little visitors will go on to become the planet’s big conservation heroes,” he said. Credit: Zoos South Australia via Storyful

Video transcript

- You do like carrots.

- We've been eating carrots before. [INAUDIBLE].

- In special bear language.

- Yeah.

- (WHISPERING) [INAUDIBLE]. That's not mummy, darling. [LAUGHS]


- Let's find out what cardboard tastes like.

- [GIGGLES] Hi. Hi.

- [INAUDIBLE] box at a time.


- She won't jump on it.

- Yeah. She's checking it out.

- Yeah.