Dale Farm Travellers Refused Eviction Appeal

A high court judge has refused Dale Farm residents their last chance appeal against eviction.

A spokesman for Basildon Council told Sky News the eviction will go ahead within 48 hours.

"All the council needs to do now is get the resources in place but we always said we would wait for the appeal before we acted."

That appeal was decided today by Lord Justice Sullivan. He concluded that last weeks' Judicial Review decision should be upheld.

Earlier the travellers' lawyer, Marc Willers, argued that the council had not fulfilled its obligation under section 225 of the Housing Act 2007 to assess the accommodation needs of travellers and set out a strategy for dealing with them.

It was also argued that the land would not be returned to green belt and that children's rights had not been properly taken into consideration.

Mr Willers stated that the travellers were not looking for an extended stay, but only to remain on the site "just as long as it takes for the council to fulfil its obligation."

He later added: "There will be a number of families on the roadside if your Lordship rules against us today."

But the Judge suggested these were arguments that had been heard before by other High Court Judges and he asked: "What's new?"

Outside court Dale Farm Resident Kathleen McCarthy conceded the legal fight was probably over.

"Although you never know with us," she added.

"But yes we have lost and now we are calling on our supporters to come down to Dale Farm and help us resist this eviction."

Asked where she would be living in a weeks' time she told Sky News: "Dale Farm, hopefully."