11 Of The Craziest Space Conspiracy Theories Explained

Is NASA really planning to build a second sun?

Everyone knows that conspiracy theorists believe we didn’t land on the moon, but what about the really crazy ideas?

UFO fans and other conspiracy buffs believe some very odd things - such as the ‘fact’ that the moon might be a gigantic alien spacecraft.

Here are the 11 craziest space conspiracy theories currently bubbling under on the internet.

1. There is a pyramid with an ‘all-seeing eye’ on Saturn

There is a huge rotating hexagon at Saturn’s north pole, spotted by NASA’s Cassini probe. This is a definite, incontrovertible fact. Conspiracy theorists believe there might be more to it.

Natural News reports, ‘There's even more: Inside the pyramid is the shape of the all-seeing eye. You can clearly see it in the center of the pyramid shape, which is inside the hexagon. U.S. currency contains the exact same image: An all-seeing eye, centered inside the top of the pyramid, looking over you from the back of a dollar bill...'Coincidence?

2. The Pope has had a meeting with aliens

According to YourNewsWire, the Pope has not only met aliens, but he could be about to reveal their existence to the world. The relationship between the Vatican and the little green men includes face-to-face meetings with previous Popes and rocket-ships full of Jesuits travelling to Nibiru, a ‘secret’ planet in our own solar system.

The evidence is that the Pope recently said he would baptise a Martian. UFO fans believe this is an attempt to 'soften us up' for the big reveal in the near future.

3. There is a hidden alien base on the ‘dark side’ of the moon

The idea has been around for decades - and may have been sparked by something seen by the first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong.

'Hey, Houston, I'm looking north up toward Aristarchus now, and there's an area that is considerably more illuminated than the surrounding area. It seems to have a slight amount of fluorescence,’ Armstrong said.

Some believe that the glow that Armstrong saw was evidence of high technology - perhaps a fusion reactor.

4. NASA wants to create a ‘second sun’ in our solar system

Conspiracy theorists believe that NASA isn’t satisfied with the sun we already have  and wants to create a new one.

To do this, the space agency intends to drop the nuclear-powered Cassini probe into Saturn’s atmosphere in an attempt to create a new sun, around which new, inhabitable planets might orbit.

The idea, entitled ‘The Lucifer Project', comes from a 1991 book by William Cooper, but has since been updated to incorporate NASA’s new, active Cassini probe.

5. There was life on Mars, but it was wiped out by nuclear war

A respected physicist and author, John Brandenberg, claimed last year that intelligent life once flourished on Mars, but was annihilated by a nuclear attack so intense it left the planet cold and lifeless.

Many physicists believe that an event such as an asteroid strike may have robbed Mars of its magnetic field, and thus its atmosphere, in the distant past. Brandenberg believes that the planet may have been killed by another civilisation or even a rogue artificial intelligence.

Brandenberg said that many of the nuclear isotopes in Mars’s atmosphere ‘resemble those from hydrogen bombs on Earth’ and hypotheses in a new book, ‘Death on Mars’, that a humanoid race once lived there but was wiped out.

The author has urged that a human mission to the planet be mounted immediately in case we are in danger from the attackers who ‘killed’ Mars.

6. Aliens used to hitch rides on the Space Shuttle

A veteran NASA employee says he saw a nine-foot-tall alien hitch a ride on the space shuttle and watched the creature have a quiet chat with astronauts when it thought  no one was looking.

UFO sites have seized on this as CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE that there is a vast, global conspiracy where our leaders are in league with aliens.

7. NASA is blasting Russian Mars probes out of the sky with radio waves

Russian Mars probes keep failing. The nation has tried to reach the planet 19 times, but never succeeded. Some Russians believe that powerful NASA radio transmitters are to blame.

Lt Gen Nikolay Rodionov, a retired Russian missile commander said that, ‘Powerful American radars could have influenced the control systems of our interplanetary rover.’ Many believe he is referring to HAARP. The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, built in 1993 is an Alaskan research station which performs radar experiments on Earth’s ionosphere.

What is there on Mars that NASA is so keen to conceal?

8. The Large Hadron Collider is about to ‘summon’ a huge asteroid

Is the world about to end in September? If you venture into the wilder, woolier reaches of YouTube, the answer is a resounding, ‘Yes’.

It seems that Christian conspiracy theorists haven’t forgiven the machine for finding the ‘God particle’ and now predict it’s going to bring about Doomsday. Various YouTube channels predict that the Large Hadron Collider is about to ‘unleash hellfire destruction’ on the world, possibly while magnetically summoning a whacking great asteroid to destroy America’s east coast.

The rumours of a huge asteroid became so intense that NASA stepped in to reassure us Earth dwellers that there is absolutely, definitely no chance of an asteroid hitting Earth next month.

9. The Philae probe landed on a ‘fake’ comet

When the Philae probe touched down on the icy surface of a comet 300 million miles from Earth, it was a technological miracle, but some think it was a little TOO miraculous. Citing evidence such as the fact that there are no stars in shots sent back by the lander and there was no live video, conspiracy theorists believe the whole thing was a fake.

Believers think the entire thing was orchestrated by the CIA to ‘condition’ mankind for a planned, man-made asteroid attack on Earth.

David Chase Taylor of conspiracy site Truther.org says, ‘Considering that landing on a flying space rock had never been executed let alone attempted in the history of mankind, the ESA either had a severe case of “beginner’s luck”, or the incident was an elaborate hoax.’

10. The moon is a giant alien spacecraft

Some fans believe that that eclipses ‘prove’ that the moon is in fact an enormous, hollow spacecraft, piloted by incredibly advanced alien beings.

In a recent YouTube video, Christopher Knight, author of Who Built the Moon says, ‘The same numbers keep popping up. As Isaac Asimov said, the eclipse is the most extraordinary coincidence. We started to look at the numbers and they all worked perfectly.

‘The Earth rotates 366 times as it goes round the sun once. So you could say that the Earth's number is 366. The Earth is 366% times the size of the moon. That struck us as crazy.’

11. There is a stargate under the sea near Florida

There is a  mysterious underwater structure near Malibu, which conspiracy theorists believe could be a ‘stargate’ used to travel to alien planets.

The proof? It sometimes emit strange radio signals, UFO fans claim. A ham radio enthusiast captured audio of the strange radio signals emitted from the ‘ship’, which some believe has been known about by indigenous Chumash people for thousands of years.

‘Every day I would come across these signals,’ says John Emmett, 93, who has been an amateur radio operator since 1938. ‘The amazing thing about them is that they are steady as you like. I knew the signal had to be extremely close.’

The structure was originally spotted by author Robert M Stanley, who believes it may be a large alien craft which has lain under water for thousands of years. Stanley claims that the strange object could be a ‘stargate’ - a wormhole used by aliens to visit Earth - and that it is constantly investigated by mini-submarines piloted by the U.S. government.