Accusations of theft of street art addressed at Stealing Banksy? London show

A London-based company are hoping to stoke the debate on the removal of street art by putting on an exhibition called ‘Stealing Banksy?’ Sincura Group’s April show will display works by the famous artist, spray-painted onto walls that have been removed and restored. The group has been criticised by people who live in areas where walls with street art have been cut-away. Those unhappy say Banksy’s works belong to the local community. Defending Sincura’s actions, Company Director Tony Baxter said: “We don’t go around and entice people to take these off walls. We’ve never, ever approached a single person to take a Banksy off walls. The building owners come to us. They never asked for these pieces to be painted on their walls. “By having a Banksy on your wall, you run the risk of having a Grade II listing put on your building, which deflates your value, which means you can’t re-sell your property.” The value of the pieces set to be auctioned at exhibition is estimated at more than six million euros. Sincura Group says profits from the sale will go to local charities and the UK’s Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund.