Tsipras warns Syriza anti-bailout rebels of possible early Greece election

The Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has warned rebels in his Syriza party that he could be forced to call early elections if he no longer has a parliamentary majority. He faces a tough session of the party’s central committee on Thursday, with many left-wingers angry that the bailout terms are more stringent than those rejected by voters in the recent referendum. He threw down the gauntlet to anti-austerity rebels in a wide-ranging radio interview on Wednesday. Tsipras digs at radicals, sees elections ahead http://t.co/nqsP2Vwf7Y pic.twitter.com/SSabFP7Xqy— Kathimerini English (@ekathimerini) July 29, 2015 Meanwhile in an online news conference, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has called for significant debt relief for Greece as part of the overall plan. “It will require sufficient financing so that the program is actually credible and the element of debt restructuring, which will allow the Greek economy to walk on, not necessarily two legs as I have said, but four legs. It takes fiscal, structural reforms, financing, debt restructuring,” the IMF’s Managing Director Christine Lagarde said. Fiscal policies, structural reforms, financing & debt restructuring are four key legs for a Greek solution – Lagarde pic.twitter.com/eVYeShcwLn— IMF (@IMFNews) July 29, 2015 A Greek prosecutor is investigating whether laws were broken during the former finance minister’s contingency planning to set up an alternative currency should Greece leave the euro. Yanis Varoufakis has been continuing to fuel dissent among Syriza’s ranks, denouncing the bailout agreement on an almost daily basis. Something is rotten with the eurozone’s hideous restrictions on sovereignty (Plus the Plan against liquidity crunch) http://t.co/uERxy9qOIp— Yanis Varoufakis (@yanisvaroufakis) July 28, 2015