Woman Sells Dress On Facebook To Fund Night Out With Friends


Picture: Facebook

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Caroline Burnett knows that only too well, after she offered to sell her dress on Facebook for £10 – in order to fund a night out.

But unsurprisingly, the dress is still for sale, and Caroline described the prank as a ‘wind-up’.

‘I did it as a bit of a joke but that’s my banter to be honest,’ the 23-year-old from from Cardenden, Fife, explained.

‘It was all a wind-up after a few drinks, so some people just need to get a sense of humour.’

‘I was sitting with my friend Ashley (Jarrett) and we both just decided to put it up for a bit of banter.

She added: ‘I can’t believe how far it’s gone though – it’s a bit embarrassing.

‘The dress was never for sale and I only got it out as my friend is going to take it on holiday to Turkey.

‘She’s going to wear it with pride now after all this’.