10 minutes with... Suited & Booted Glasgow MD Dillon Arthur

Scottish entrepreneurs Ryan Smith and Calvin Smith have just opened their first UK store in Glasgow’s Merchant City.

Suited and Booted, which launched in Dubai in 2017 and has become popular with UK sports personalities, returned home with a 3,300 sq ft space on Montrose Street, specialising in bespoke tailoring, ready to wear suits and its own brand of casual wear, By Smiths.

Dillon Arthur is the managing director of the new Glasgow boutique, so we fired the usual irreverent questions at him:

  • What five words would colleagues use to describe you?

Methodical, flexible, encouraging, understanding and optimistic.

  • If you could choose anyone, who would be your fantasy board members and why?

I’d always pick Suited & Booted founders Ryan and Calvin first, and then anyone else after them is a bonus.

I’d like to have Steve Jobs too, he had tunnel vision when it came to what he believed in - you need people like that when things get tough and to get things done.

  • What is your favourite way to unwind during time off?

I do love a holiday - my favourite destination would have to be Dubai, a place I visit often and actually lived for a while in the early years of Suited & Booted.

  • What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?

The biggest issue in the world is that the love of power has overtaken the power of love. Choose love.

Health is wealth. It’s easy to get caught up in the madness and forget to take care of yourself. It’s you that makes the rest happen so look after you first and foremost.

Constant change is here to stay. That speaks for itself and helps deal with any curve balls thrown your way.

  • If you were in charge of Scotland, what would you change and why?

I’d prioritise funding towards places I feel matter the most - housing those who are homeless and feeding children who are in need.

  • What sport(s) are you interested in?

I enjoy playing golf and I’m a huge football fan..

  • What was the first record you bought?

It would have been an album by The Deftones.

  • What is your favourite memory from your schooldays?

I won an award for acting in primary school once. I played the devil in Tam O’Shanter by Robert Burns.

  • Describe a perfect day or weekend...

A trip away - a city break or even just a trip down south. Something simple and hopefully on a sunny day, as a change from the Scottish weather.

I’d go out for a nice breakfast and sightsee, followed by dinner in the evening.

  • What is your most embarrassing moment?

It would have to be jumping out of a taxi to run into a garage - wrongly thinking the door was open, I ran straight into the glass and bounced back off it. I hope to this day nobody witnessed that.

  • Who would play you in the film of your life?

Lesley Neilson or Jim Carrey.

  • What is your signature dish to cook?

I’d love to say I’m a talented cook, but a simple pasta is as far as my culinary skills go.

  • What is your karaoke song?

I am tone deaf, but if I had to pick with no consequences, I’d say Champagne Supernova by Oasis.

  • What is your favourite place in Scotland?

I’d have to say up north. The scenery is incredible and somewhere I’d never get bored of.

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