These 10 Questions Can Help Bring You Closer To Your Partner

If you’re as hopelessly romantic as I am, chances are you’re already familiar with the viral 36 questions to make you fall in love.

They came from a study which showed that exchanging vulnerable questions and answers with someone can strengthen your attachment and help to grow your bond.

But what about when you’ve already established a relationship – or just want to strengthen some early bonds?

Well, that’s where licensed counsellor Jeff Guenther, known on TikTok as Therapy Jeff, comes in. He recently shared the 10 questions you can ask your partner in order to strengthen and deepen your relationship.

And as Dr Aron – the man behind the 36 questions study – says: “If you do something new and challenging, that reminds you of how exciting it can be with your partner, it makes your relationship better.”

So, whether you’re feeling a little stuck or just want to share an intimate moment with your loved one, we reckon asking your partner some deep and meaningful questions is well worth a shot.

Here are Jeff’s 10 questions: 

1. What’s one thing you learned from our relationship that changed the way you see the world?

2. If we were to switch roles for a day, what’s the first thing you would do?

3. If you could go back in time and give your past self one piece of advice before our first date, what would it be?

4. What do you think is the most underrated quality in a partner that you value in me?

5. In what ways do you think we’ve grown together since we first met?

6. How would you describe our relationship to a complete stranger?

7. If we had to live in a book, TV show, or movie, which one would you pick for us?

8. What’s the most significant change you’ve noticed in me since we first met?

9. How has our relationship influenced your future aspirations?

10. What’s your favourite memory of us that still makes you smile?

You can watch the full video here: 
