The 11 most cringeworthy moments of 'The Kardashians' season 2, so far

left: kris jenner holding an orange package and inspecting it in her hands; right: kris jenner hiding behind a napkin
Kris Jenner bought medicated lube and edibles, and then got high in a restaurant.Hulu
  • "The Kardashians" season two premiered on Hulu in September.

  • Five episodes in, there have been plenty of cringeworthy or otherwise awkward moments this season.

  • They range from Kim having fireplace sex in "honor" of her grandma to Khloé scaring a peacock.

Khloé made an awkward "We Don't Talk About Bruno" joke while debriefing Tristan's cheating with Kim.

khloe kardashian with blonde hair pulled back from her face, leaning on a bed and wearing a black crop top and camo jacket
Khloé Kardashian in season two, episode one of "The Kardashians."Hulu

Within the first minute of the season, Khloé and Kim were having a seemingly serious conversation about Tristan Thompson's cheating scandal, which was first addressed on the show in the season one finale. 

However, while broaching the subject of talking about Thompson on the show, Khloé defaulted to a topical "Encanto" joke.

"I mean I'm anxious, but, you know, I feel like it just has to be time to talk about… Bruno," Khloé said to Kim.

The sisters — both of whom are mothers who have likely had to listen to the viral song "We Don't Talk About Bruno" countless times on their children's behalf — immediately blew past the joke, making it feel all the more awkward.

Kris said that she "forgot" she had a condo in Beverly Hills.

kris jenner smiling while wearing a pink blazer over a black shirt, standing in front of a sun room with a sunny window behind her
Kris Jenner in season two, episode one of "The Kardashians."Hulu

In episode one, Kris and Khloé visited Kris' condo in Beverly Hills, which Kris said that she hadn't been to since Christmas. When they opened the fridge, it was filled with many bottles of champagne, water, and condiments. The freezer had plastic bags in it labeled "do not eat" in addition to frozen beans and dinners.

"Here's the thing. I have a condo and my mom has one, and my cousin has one, and we all live nearby," Jenner said during a confessional. "I kinda forgot it was there. That sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?"

Kris bought medical lube, and then joked about getting stoned and having sex.

kris jenner and corey gamble standing at a sales counter, with an associate visible in the background. kris is examining a cylindrical small package of medicated THC lube
Kris Jenner and Corey Gamble purchasing medicated lube in "The Kardashians."Hulu

In episode three, Kris, Khloé, and Kris' boyfriend Corey Gamble visited a dispensary with marijuana-based products. One of the salespeople sold Kris on medicated lube. Kris responded enthusiastically, saying, "Khloé, I think we're on to something."

Khloé, for her part, walked away and said that she'll let her mother, the salesperson, and Gamble have the conversation alone.

"You get high, and then, you know," Kris remarked in a confessional. "I don't know. I'm gonna read the directions."

Kris played peek-a-boo with Khloé while high.

Kris Jenner and Cory Gamble.
Kris Jenner and Cory Gamble on episode three.Hulu.

While Kris was high in episode three, she, Khloé, and Gamble went out to eat. They were drinking margaritas when the effects of the gummy appeared to kick in.

Kris started laughing and tearing up simultaneously and playing peek-a-boo with Khloé using a restaurant napkin. Between laughs, she also asked Khloé how her hairdresser does the "floop" in her hair.

Kim didn't know what tortellini was.

Kim Kardashian looking at a menu.
Kim on episode three.Hullu

While out to dinner in Italy, Kim had to ask the waiter what tortellini was. It's a very common Italian stuffed cheese pasta that is very popular in the US. There's no shame in needing to learn about cultural cuisine, but it's cringey that she had to go all the way to Italy to ask about tortellini, of all dishes.

Kendall told Kim she still couldn't smell her dog's farts.

Kendall Jenner with red hair in bed.
Kendall on episode three.Hulu

Kendall was in Italy for the Prada show with Kim in episode three, but couldn't be seen in public because her hair was dyed for it. When Kim brought food to her sister in her hotel room one night, the conversation drifted into Kendall's COVID-19 recovery.

Kendall told Kim she still couldn't smell her dog's farts, which Kim pointed out was a "good" thing. Kendall pointed out that there was a downside, though. If she couldn't smell her dog's farts, could she smell her own body odor?

Kim told her grandma, MJ, that she and then-boyfriend Pete Davidson had sex in front of a fireplace to honor her.

Mary Jo Campbell on episode four.
Mary Jo Campbell on episode four.Hulu

Kim was home from Italy by episode four, and her grandma Mary Jo "MJ" Campbell visisted.

While catching MJ up on what's been going on in her life, Kim said: "Pete and I were staying at the Beverly Hills hotel last weekend and we were sitting in front of the fireplace just talking for hours, and I was like, 'My grandma told me that you really live life when you have sex in front of the fireplace. And so we had sex in front of the fireplace in honor of you."

Kris and Khloé were also in the room when Kim divulged the personal detail about her relationship with Pete Davidson, who she dated from about October 2021 to August 2022. She also admitted it was "creepy" to tell her grandma about that.

Kim told women to get their "ass up and work."

Kim, Khloe, Kris, and Kourtney on episode four.
Kim and Khloe on episode four.Hulu

Also on episode four, the Kardashian-Jenner family had an interview with Variety to promote the first season of "The Kardashians."

When asked during the interview what each of their advice for women would be, Kim said: "Get your fucking ass up and work. It seems like nobody wants to work these days."

The quote itself was bad enough, but when the episode aired, Hulu faced criticism for showing Kim saying only "get your fucking ass up and work" and leaving out the second part of the quote.

Kris invited Martha Stewart over under the guise of getting Khloé a peacock.

kris jenner, khloe kardashian, and martha stewart posing for a selfie, with khloe holding her phone out in front of them. all three women are smiling and standing close together, and there's a curved staircase visible in the background
Kris Jenner, Khloé Kardashian, and Martha Stewart take a selfie in "The Kardashians."Hulu

In episode four, Kris invited Martha Stewart over for lunch in order to talk about buying a peacock from her for Khloé. In confessionals and as she was preparing to greet Stewart, it's pretty apparent that Kris was more excited about having Stewart as a guest rather than the peacock at hand.

Khloé pointed as much out while she and her mom were at the peacock farm later in the episode.

"You just wanted a reason to have Martha Stewart over for lunch," she told her mother. "None of this made sense to me at all. I've never once talked about a big bird. I don't like birds in general."

Khloé accidentally scared a peacock into flying away.

khloe kardashian runs after a peacock flying away into a tree, with a staff member in a wide-brimmed hat and her mother kris jenner standing behind her
Khloé Kardashian chases a peacock on "The Kardashians."Hulu

While visiting the peacock farm with her mother, Khloé accidentally startled a peacock and it flew up into a nearby tree. She was instantly apologetic, telling Javier, the animal handler, how sorry she was. Javier graciously brushed it off.

"I lost a peacock, but it wasn't really my fault," she said to the camera, before once again apologizing to Javier.

Kim asked Kris' doctor to save her bones after hip-replacement surgery so she could make jewelry out of them.

Kris on episode five.
Kris Jenner on episode five.Hulu

On episode five, when Khloé visited Kris while she was recovering from hip-replacement surgery, Kris told Khloé and Kylie (who was on speaker phone) that "Kim asked the doctor to save her my bones so she can make jewelry out of it."

Kylie immediately said that was "weird," but the topic of turning body parts into jewelry led the women into an even more awkward conversation about cremation, until Kylie eventually had enough of it and hung up the phone.

Catch these moments and more of "The Kardashians" with a Hulu subscription:

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