The 12 Yorkshire criminals undone by their own foolish mistakes

The authors of their own misfortunes, criminals who pass through courts in Yorkshire have often been caught out because of the mistakes and foolish errors they made.

Through the hard work and determination of officers in our region, so many defendants are put behind bars - but sometimes they do the work for the police themselves.

Whether it's bragging on social media, being caught on camera or leaving DNA at the scene of their crimes, some criminals just cannot help but make foolish mistakes - and end up behind bars.

Read more: 'We are too embarrassed to say we live here' say locals in 'dead' Yorkshire town

We've rounded up a list of the criminals, below, who have appeared in Yorkshire's courts so far this year that were undone by their own foolish mistakes.

Andrew Hackin

Hackin was put behind bars in April after breaching a ban just days after it was put in place. He was jailed for eight weeks on April 18 = the ban prohibiting him from entering Huddersfield town centre had been put in place on April 11.

Read the full story here.

Igor Horvath

He burgled the house in Thorn Lane, Bradford
Andrew Hackin

Bungling burgar Horvath was caught on camera by a quick-thinking witness after he raided a family's home in Bradford. He tried to flee the scene after being disturbed by a relative of the householder, but the determined witness pursued him in his car.

He was handed a 15-month sentence suspended for two years.

Read the full story here.

Connor Graves

Sheffield Crown Court
He burgled the house in Thorn Lane, Bradford -Credit:Google Maps

Sofa-surfer Graves burgled his neighbour's home after thinking he was an undercover cop - but left a vital piece of evidence at the scene of the crime.

His DNA was found on a cigarette, which was found when the neighbour reported a burglary to the police.

Graves was made the subject of a 20-month sentence suspended for two years.

Read the full story here.

Keenan Milliken

Keenan Milliken
Sheffield Crown Court -Credit:Katie Pugh

Milliken, 22, was jailed earlier in April after being caught in the act by police.

He was spotted by eagle-eyed officers as he sold heroin and crack cocaine. He was jailed for two years and eight months.

Read the full story here.

Paul Brough

Disgruntled man Brough claimed he tried to set fire to his boss' van when he stayed around at the scene of the crime and got himself caught.

He was spotted on CCTV late in December 2019 with another man going up to the van in Gomersal. They were seen leaving and going back to the scene before two PCs arrived. A PC asked Brough to stop, but when he failed to do so, she grabbed hold off him, causing him to fall off the bike. He told her: "The van belongs to my boss."

Brought was jailed for six months for arson and criminal damage.

Read the full story here.

Bilal Baz

Bilal Baz
Keenan Milliken has been jailed -Credit:SYP

Sheffield drug dealer Baz was jailed earlier this year after police raided his home and found cocaine hidden in a glove.

He was jailed for six years.

Read the full story here.

Brandon South

Dangerous driver Brandon South is now behind bars
Leeds Crown Court

Stupid South posted videos showing him speeding in his car before he hit and killed a pedestrian.

The 22-year-old caused the death of Robert Chessman, who died after being hit by the Skoda Fabia when it left the carriageway on Haugh Road in Rotherham. South had recorded himself speeding and drifting the car on roads on a number of occasions. He uploaded the clips to social media before losing control of the car when he was close to double the speed limit.

He was jailed for seven years and six months.

Read the full story here.

Ylli Cala

Ylli Cala
Bilal Baz -Credit:South Yorkshire Police

Cala was found hiding among his own cannabis plants when police raided a semi-detached house in Doncaster.

He told police he was given £500 in cash to grow the Class B drug cannabis inside a house on Stone Cross Drive. Cala said it was his decision to help grow the cannabis, with the 23-year-old Albanian agreeing to keep a 15 per cent profit from sales of the drug. After gathering intelligence on activities at the property, officers secured a drugs warrant to search the address. An enforcer was used to gain entry, with Cala found cowering in the loft and dozens of plants growing in various rooms.

Inside the house there were around 90 cannabis plants worth an estimated £90,000. Cala was arrested at the scene and the drugs destroyed.

Cala was jailed for two years.

Read the full story here.

Jordan Jackson

Jordan Jackson can be seen on video crying and telling officers 'You don't understand'
Dangerous driver Brandon South is now behind bars -Credit:South Yorkshire Police

A topless Jackson was caught out by police after throwing drugs over his garden fence. Footage released by South Yorkshire Police Jackson crying as he realised he had been found out.

The force says as he launched the package, officers from the Barnsley South Neighbourhood Team - and their bodyworn cameras - were entering the back of the house and witnessed him throwing it over the garden fence. One of the officers asked him: "What have you just chucked over the wall?"

Jackson could be seen on footage telling officers: "You don't understand, you really don' don't get it."

He was jailed for two years and four months.

Read the full story here.

Mark Doherty

Dunbar Street, Wakefield
Ylli Cala -Credit:SYP

Wakefield "foot soldier" Doherty sold drugs to an undercover officer and told him: "It's good gear."

The officer had called a drugs line and met with Doherty after asking for two wraps of heroin and crack cocaine. Following the deal, Doherty, of Dunbar Street, was identified by a custody image. He was arrested on September 5 last year and in interview said he "couldn't remember the interaction but if he was captured on footage it must have happened."

He was handed a sentence suspended for two years.

Read the full story here.

Gino Terence Cammish-Flemming

Gino Terence Cammish-Flemming
Jordan Jackson can be seen on video crying and telling officers 'You don't understand' -Credit:South Yorkshire Police

Cammish-Flemming was jailed earlier this year after police found him with cocaine and cannabis.

The teenager tried to pull out a 12-inch knife as officers approached him, before he was arrested. He then found to be in possession of 63 wraps of cocaine, multiple bags of cannabis and £800 in cash.

Cammish-Flemming was sentenced to two years and ten months in a Young Offender's Institution.

Read the full story here.

Kyle Butters

Kyle Butters was part of a group that stole copper wire from a building in Bradford
Dunbar Street, Wakefield -Credit:Google Maps

Burglar Butters was part of a team that bragged on social media as they targeted a Bradford building.

Residents in the City Exchange building were left homeless after the gang stole copper wiring - and then posted about it on TikTok.

Set against a background of Akon's 'Smack That' a compilation of videos showing the theft from the City Exchange building was posted on the social media app. One of the videos, posted on an account with the name "Bfdcharva," featured was captioned "f*** the trackers" and another featured 20-year-old Kyle Butters who was jailed for his part in the burglary in January this year.

Butters was put behind bars for two-and-a-half-years.

Read the full story here.