17 uniquely brilliant Welsh sayings which make no sense at all in any other language

-Credit: (Image: Mirrorpix)
-Credit: (Image: Mirrorpix)

Idioms are a common feature in many languages, with some having shared origins while others are unique to the culture or tradition from which they originate. In Brazil, they say to 'peel a pineapple', which means to cope with a tricky or complex situation.

Over in Thailand, they will say the phrase 'ride an elephant to catch a grasshopper' if you're putting in lots of effort for very little reward, while 'going off like a frog in a sock' in Australia means when someone is so angry or excited that they can barely contain themselves. Here in Wales and in our very own language, we have our own idioms.

Some idioms may bear similarities to English sayings, while others can be entirely distinct. Regardless, our sayings are brimming with wisdom and wit, which resonate perfectly in y Gymraeg (the Welsh language). Here are a few idioms that are exclusive to the Welsh language and their meanings.

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1. Dros ben llestri

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-Credit:Perthshire Advertiser

Literal translation: "Over the dishes"

Meaning: Over the top

2. Malu awyr

Literal translation: "Breaking the sky"

Meaning: Talking nonsense

3. Dywyll fel bola buwch


Literal translation: ""As dark as a cow's stomach"

Meaning: Very dark

4. Rhoi'r ffidil yn y tô


Literal translation: "Putting the fiddle in the roof"

Meaning: Giving up or to throw in the towel

5. Dawnsio ar y dibyn

Literal translation: "Dancing on the cliff's edge"

Meaning: Playing with fire

6. Mae hi'n bwrw hen wragedd a ffyn


Literal translation: "It's raining old wives and sticks"

Meaning: "It's raining a lot (similar to 'raining cats and dogs' in English)

7. Yn cerdded yn ling di long

Literal translation: "Walking ling di long"

Meaning: To loiter or walk casually

8. Ar bigau'r drain

Literal translation: "On the point of thorns"

Meaning: To be on tenterhooks; in a state of suspense

9. Llyncu mul

-Credit:Reach Commissioned
-Credit:Reach Commissioned

Literal translation: "Swallow a donkey"

Meaning: To sulk or to be fed up with

10. Fel rhech mewn pot jam

Literal translation: "Like a fart in a jam jar"

Meaning: Useless

11. Gwynt yn ei ddwrn

Literal translation: "Breath in his fist"

Meaning: In a great hurry; fast; quick

12. Siarad fel melin bupur

Literal translation: "Talking like a pepper mill"

Meaning: Talking non-stop

13. Mae e'n cadw draenog yn ei boced

Literal translation: "He keeps / has a hedgehog in his pocket"

Meaning: He's tight with his money

14. Mae'n draed moch arna i

Literal translation: "There are pigs feet on me"

Meaning: I've made a mess or in a mess about something I've done

15. Ar y gweill

Literal translation: "On the 'knitting' needle"

Meaning: In progress

16. Gwell hwyr na hwyrach

Literal translation: "Better late than later"

Meaning: Similar to 'better late than never' in English

17. Fel cath i gythraul

-Credit:In Your Area
-Credit:In Your Area

Literal translation: "Like a cat to the devil"

Meaning: Similar to 'like a bat out of hell' in English, normally used when someone is moving at top speed or something is happening quickly