2.5m People In UK Break Weekly Alcohol Limit In Just One Day

About 2.5 million people in the UK drink their weekly alcohol limit in just one day, according to research.

Almost one in ten drinkers consume more than 14 units of alcohol in a single session, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said.

New guidelines issued by the NHS at the beginning of the year said men and women should not exceed 14 units per week.

According to the ONS survey, 58% of the UK population or 28.9 million people drink alcohol in a typical week, a fall from 64% in 2005.

Wales had the highest number of people drinking 14 units or more in a single day (14%), followed by Scotland (13%).

Men were more likely to drink than women and more likely to binge drink.

Sarah Toule, head of health information at World Cancer Research Fund, said: “It is very concerning that millions are Brits are exceeding their weekly drinking limit in just one day.

“Drinking alcohol increases the risk of a number of different cancers. In fact, 24,000 cancer cases could be avoided every year in the UK if everyone stopped drinking alcohol.

“When it comes to cancer prevention, people should avoid alcohol as much as possible as any amount increases the risk of cancer.

A large glass (250ml) of wine contains 3 units; a shot of spirits 1 unit; a pint of 5%-strength beer 2.8 units and a pint of strong cider (8%) 4.5 units.

Drinking the weekly limit in one day was most common among 25-44 year-olds.

(Picture: Rex)