When Is My Saturn Return? And How Should I Prepare For It?

Most of us astrologically-inclined folks know the basics of all things *witchy*, such as what our big three is, whether it’s a full moon or a waxing gibbeous tonight, and the difference between a rose quartz and a smokey quartz.

But how clued-up are you on your Saturn return? Arriving in our lives every 27 to 29.5 years, the astrological event is said to rule major life events, which isn’t a surprise when Saturn is in charge of all things discipline, karma, and structure.

Astrology experts, Ophira and Tali Edut (a.k.a the Astrotwins of astrostyle.com), explain more: “Your Saturn Return, which will happen two or three times in your life, is a period of getting really serious about who you are, what your legacy is, and what you’re here to leave for the world.”

“The first Saturn Return, which can happen between ages 27 and 30, is a bit like a cosmic bar mitzvah, quinceanera or communion if you will: a rite of passage welcoming you into your more mature role here on Earth.

That’s why your late 20s can feel a bit tumultuous (to put it politely).

So, what actually happens during your Saturn return?

So far, so… scary? The Saturn return will essentially give you the tools and resilience to transition into real deal adulthood, say Tali and Ophira, so go forth courageously: “In astrological lore, Saturn is the great taskmaster of the skies. We prefer the term life coach or personal trainer actually, since Saturn is “cruel” to be kind.”

As the ‘teacher’ of the zodiac, Saturn arrives to give you some hard lessons that may feel harsh initially, but which will give you the tools you need for moving forward. It essentially helps you find out what you want in life, who you want to spend it with, and whether that job you’re not really loving is going to enter this next phase with you or not.

“It breaks you down, makes you lift the heavy weights so you can build those rock-hard muscles and get into fighting shape! Wherever Saturn is in your chart will point to your toughest lessons, but the ones you might become obsessed with breaking through”, say Tali and Ophira.

If you’ve had your sights set on smashing a career goal, your Saturn return could help you on your way: “We often see people finding careers that match the zodiac sign their Saturn is in. It’s not surprising since Saturn can help us with excellence and mastery. Here is where we will toil away for hours, obsessively, to reach our grandest goals.

“It makes sense that Saturn is the ruler of ambitious Capricorn, the high-achieving, hardest working kid in the zodiac.

How to work out exactly when your Saturn return will fall

Take a look at your birth chart and work out which sign Saturn is in. Try thisfree birth chart generator if you’re unsure.

Your Saturn return will be when Saturn enters back into that sign again. For instance, if Saturn was in Pisces when you were born (years 1993-1996) then you’ll be going through your Saturn return right now.

How long will the Saturn return last?

According to Tali and Ophira, your Saturn return will last two and a half years, but the before and after effects can reverberate for a while, too. Kind of like when you know a full moon is coming up.

Your first Saturn return will happen when you’re around 28-30, the second in your mid-late 50s (might have something to do with the infamous ‘midlife crisis’!) and then again in your late 80s.

While your Saturn return might seem scary – and definitely can put you through the wringer – it can all be worth it to come through the other side braver and stronger than before. Good luck!
