50 People Who Made Really, Really, REALLY Wild Confessions They Probably Immediately Regretted

Earlier this year we did a series of posts where we asked people to tell us about times someone confessed something to them that made them go, "I CANNOT believe you just told me that!"

A man with a concerned expression is speaking on a headset. Text in the image reads, "He did not just... Did you just say that?"

So today we thought we'd round up the juiciest responses from the series — along with some new ones from members of the BuzzFeed Community — for you to cringe through. Brace yourselves!

Warning: This post includes mentions of murder, sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse, and animal abuse.

1."My bio dad once confessed that he and my now stepdad had enjoyed threesomes with my mom when they were married. My dad and stepdad were (and still are) friends. I wanted to die. Any time they're together, it creeps into my head at least once."


2."I had a coworker in the break room I was having a conversation with go full tin foil hat. He started with, 'I know he did terrible things, but the Unibomber was just trying to warn us about...' My coworker and I noped out of there so fast. He said it right in front of our HR head too."


3."I worked at Target in the beauty department, where we did free samples on the weekends. One weekend, the product we were displaying was an aftershave. A woman comes up, smells it, and hits me with this: 'Way back in the day, the first boy I loved always wore this, and now it always reminds me of him. He was the one that got away, and I have never truly gotten over him. The problem is now my nephew is starting to wear it, and every time I hug him, I get a little whiff, and I get turned on because I think about my ex, and I don't know what to do.'"


Two people, a woman in a striped dress and a man in a t-shirt, sit on a bench and sip drinks through straws. The word "[AWKWARD]" appears in large text below them

4."A guy I've been friends with for 40 years recently told me that one night, when he was drunk and on drugs in his 20s, he beat a man with a fence post so severely that he's pretty sure he killed him. My friend left the guy bleeding and unconscious on the ground in the middle of winter in New England. If he wasn't beaten to death, there's a good chance he succumbed to hypothermia."


5."One time at a party, I was having a private conversation with a friend in a quiet part of the house, and he confessed that he had stabbed someone several years ago. He was the quietest, gentlest friend I had, and I could not believe he was capable of that. I definitely needed a drink after hearing that."


6."My mom got dinner with a high school friend, his brother, and his father. She sent me a picture of all of them, and they looked like they were having a great time. She later told me that she had a five-year-long affair with the father that spanned multiple cities, and the friend still doesn't know."


Two women in conversation, one distressed with text "IT JUST CAME OUT, I DON'T KNOW WHY I SAID IT."

7."My parents were getting divorced, and my dad casually told me how they hadn't done the deed in over ten years because my mom once made him go to a doctor's appointment where her doctor sat my dad down alone and told him how it was hurting my mom when they did it. He was so embarrassed and angry that she wouldn't tell him that herself, so he flat-out refused to sleep with her for over ten years. He also said that she made it audibly and visibly seem like she loved it, so he was beyond baffled when the doctor lectured him. There were many other problems in their marriage, but that definitely wasn't something I expected to hear."


8."A stranger walked up to me and whispered, 'My husband's dick is really big, and it's honestly too much for me.' Then she walked away."


9."I used to work with a woman who we called Little Miss TMI. The first day I met her, she told me that she had herpes — and the story of how she caught it. She was also always quite forthcoming about the extensive list of psychotropic medications that she was prescribed to pretty much anyone who she had a conversation with. She couldn't understand why people would avoid her."


Toni Braxton sits on a couch with a neutral expression, gesturing with her hand. Caption reads, "Too much information."

10."One time, my cousin (British SAS) got super wasted on New Year's Eve and told us about how, in basic training, his superiors would get him and his buddies drunk and then send them out into London in the middle of the night with the assignment of 'bring back some homeless people.' So they did, but they never saw where the unhoused people went and never knew what happened to them. When we asked him about it the next day, he went white as a sheet and then FLIPPED THE FUCK OUT, all while insisting he never said that and none of it ever happened."


11."After my wife got diagnosed with ADHD and autism, we spoke with her parents about the diagnoses and how those conditions are often genetic. Throughout the conversation, her dad connected some dots about his own mental health...but also somehow confessed that his mother was sexually assaulted by a stranger who broke into their house, and he was in the house at the time and heard the whole thing. Like, how did we even get there?"


12."While on a family fishing trip in the mountains, my very conservative and proper mother-in-law told me that her husband, my father-in-law, once had a girlfriend in another town and planned to move out to be with her. (This was about 10 years before my husband was born.) He suggested she keep a kid and he'd take a kid (there were two sons, my husband's older brothers). My mother-in-law was very sleepy, and her guard was definitely down for a moment. It shocked me, and my husband doesn't believe the story (or even that she said this to me). They were a very close, multi-generational Southern family that all worked at the same family business and did literally everything together. No one ever knew that they were having problems at all. My mother-in-law never elaborated or brought it up again."


Two side-by-side images of a woman expressing shock and then amusement

13."Senior year in high school (30 years ago), my friend admits he is terrified to have sex with his girlfriend. Turns out, when he was 13 and living in another town, the (very religious) pastor's daughter, who was 17, had seduced him in the choir loft and gotten pregnant. She told her parents, and they all met to discuss the situation. The girl, her father (the pastor), and the pastor's wife wanted the kids to get married, ignoring my friend's young age of 13. My friend's parents noped out of there, moved to my town, and told him to pretend it never happened. He confessed to me that he felt terrible about abandoning his baby and was scared to have sex again."

"I told him he had been sexually assaulted, and some of his fear could be from not dealing with the assault. He looked like he was going to be sick and said that was the first time it occurred to him that it could have been assault. I asked him if it would be okay if I went over to the middle school and started having sex with a kid who was 13. He broke down crying. He talked his parents into letting him go to therapy after that."


14."I have a coworker who WAAAAY overshares. I've reported him so many times... The cringiest things he's confessed are how he plans to kill his ex-wife and details of an abscess on his taint."



15."So my friends joke that my secret power is that once someone meets me, they divulge their secrets I never asked to know. Years ago, when I was working at a truck stop in my hometown, I met a woman named Bridget — she cleaned the showers. Bridget told me she was a good Catholic, so when she found out she was pregnant after menopause, she had to keep the baby...which ended up being a calcified fetus. THEN she told me she was Jeffrey Dahmer's prom date."


Screenshot from "My Friend Dahmer"
© FilmRise /Courtesy Everett Collection

16."My then best friend — let's call her Carol — decided one day it would be fine to tell me SHE HAD SEX WITH MY (divorced) FATHER. YOU HEARD THAT RIGHT. SHE BANGED MY FUCKING DAD. Oh, and that's not all, folks! THEY DID IT IN MY ROOM! If you're wondering how I know the room part, I found cum all over my sheets. I ditched her soon after that and could never look at my dad the same way again. Thanks for ruining my relationship with my father, Carol!"


17."I'm 52 and just found out that my brother and I have different mothers. I mean, we grew up in the same home. Had pics together as young kids. I just thought we were full brothers and ignored it when folks said I looked nothing like my brother. When I was finally told, the story was that my dad was dating my mom and 'another woman' at the same time 'casually.' The other woman did not want to raise a child, so dad and my mom agreed to raise him as if they were both his parents. It made sense after the fact. My mom and I both had kidney failure, and we needed transplants. So did two of her siblings. It was solely from my mom's side. My dad and my brother never had those issues at all. So, it made sense — except for the fact that I was lied to my whole life."


18."At my first real job (accounting), I asked a coworker who was maybe 5–10 years older than me if he was thinking about getting his CPA (certified public accountant) license. He sheepishly told me that he couldn't. I asked why not. He said, 'Because I'm a felon; you can't have almost any professional license in this state when you're a felon.' He told me a few days later that when he was 18, he had fallen in with a hardcore fundamentalist church and was involved in an attempted bombing of an abortion clinic. Fortunately, the bomb malfunctioned, and he and his accomplices were caught and sent to prison for attempted murder and arson. He decided to renounce his beliefs and go to college when he got out, and he did."


Adam Scott wearing a white dress shirt and a striped tie, appears to be indoors with a neutral expression

19."I’m an intervention preschool teacher for a federal program (this is important because all my notes and paperwork from families are considered real legal documents, so I would record meetings and upload them for better record-keeping). During a parent-teacher conference, a parent interrupted me while I tried to explain that her disabled daughter was struggling to tell me that it was probably because she and the child’s father were having terrible problems because he caught her sexting other men and he was just mad that as soon as she got approved for her weight loss surgery and lost 250 lbs, she was going to leave him for the first man she saw. I had to delete those records."

"The same child announced during circle time that her daddy punched her mommy in the stomach while she was recovering from said weight loss surgery, and I had to report the incident to CPS because of the child witnessing violence and showing up with bruises. The mom found out there was a report and burst into my classroom, saying that if she ever found out who had reported her, she was going to beat that person to death. That was all my first year teaching."


20."I was in a cab once (long before the days of Uber), and the driver nonchalantly told me about how when he was stationed overseas, a brothel owner tried to pay him to 'deflower' a minor. He claimed that he refused and sounded a bit traumatized by the incident."


21."I worked in a gift shop in a swanky neighborhood. One time, a woman came in looking around, and obviously, I asked her if she needed help. So we started chatting, first about the products, but then she told me that she has no family because her dad killed her mom and siblings. So now she's left with all the money. It was very creepy. I was 18 and alone in that shop."


Chanel in "Scream Queens" saying "I'm rich."

22."A guy in my hometown killed his girlfriend at our local small airport in the middle of the night by pushing her into the propeller of the small plane he was intending to fly her home across the state in. He reported her missing, and for quite a while, everyone looked for her and believed that she had walked away from his house in the middle of the night and just disappeared. Later on, a couple of hunters found her wrapped in a piece of carpet in the woods off a dead-end dirt road about two to three miles from the airstrip."

"About a week or so later, I was just chilling with my friend at my mom's house when he said, 'Dude, I'm probably going to prison.' I had no idea what he was talking about, but he explained how he had gotten a call in the middle of the night and went to help the guy clean up the mess and hide her body. I don't really remember exactly how I responded, but I was freaked out for sure. Another week or so passed before he was arrested at his house down the street from my mom's. He did some prison time, and I lost touch with him."


23."I'm a nurse. When I was fairly new, I cared for an 80-year-old lady who was extremely nice. She'd come into the ER by ambulance for a prolapsed rectum. I asked her if she was in any pain or needed anything for her comfort, and she told me, 'This isn't my first rodeo, honey. I'm fine.' I asked her how long ago this happened before, and she told me, 'This happens all the time. Let's just say it's seen a lot of 'action,' and it was totally worth it.'"


24."I am very open-minded and interested when it comes to alternative lifestyles and hobbies. But when my friend told me she wanted to diddle a dog, then went out and bought a massive male German shepherd, we stopped talking. No lie. I'm still mind-blown 20 years later."


The image shows a still of a woman with a surprised expression and text overlay reading "THAT'S CREEPY."

25."A complete stranger in a drug-induced, psychotic episode confessed to me that they killed a family of four and cut their fingers off, leaving the fingers in their designated bedrooms. That same day, I found a prop finger that was cut off at the bone outside of a gas station. I almost passed out in a state of shock."


26."My former friend told me that her sister's child doesn't know who her father is, and no one will tell her because it is actually their first cousin."


27."When I was a teacher, several teachers disclosed, unprompted, that they had incurable STDs. Mostly, cancer-causing strains of HPV or warts. Get your HPV vaccine, y'all!"


Woman appears surprised on a talk show with subtitle text revealing a personal health disclosure

28."I accidentally found out that my uncle was not my uncle by blood. My paternal grandparents got married and had my dad, but then she got sick, and they didn’t think she would be able to get pregnant again. So she and my grandfather decided to adopt a boy. Then, she ended up having another son after this. They never told anyone, apparently, but my mom let it slip when she was drunk one night, and I’ve never forgotten. I don’t know if my other uncle (the youngest brother) knows. But I’ve been sworn to secrecy."


29."After I had my son, we didn't get him circumcised. While on our way to our new home (military), we stopped in to see the in-laws so they could meet the baby. My mother-in-law was changing his diaper and said to me: 'Oh, you didn't get his little hoo-ha cut. When I had [my husband], they told me to leave it like his father's, so he'd know how to take care of it, but I still got [my husband]'s done, even though [her husband] didn't.' AND THAT IS HOW I LEARNED MY FATHER-IN-LAW WAS NOT CIRCUMCISED, AND NOW YOU KNOW MY HUSBAND IS."


30."One day, when I was 15 or 16, I showed up to class to find all my friends sitting in a circle. They'd been waiting for me and told me to join 'the circle of trust.' Once I sat, this one friend told us about how her mother (who she no longer lived with) let men have sex with her for money and how she had had several babies because of this, but her mother had killed them all. A few weeks later, she told us that her mother had told her she had kept all the babies' bones and posted some of them in an envelope through my friend's letterbox. I am and always have been 100% sure the whole thing is a lie, but not what I expected to hear at 9 a.m. on a weekday!"


Screenshot from "The Good Place"

31."My Spanish teacher told us that her husband was an accessory to murder, and she frequently scared children by laughing scarily."


32."My sister started getting weird calls and threats via text and email, getting put on really gross subscriptions, and getting signed up for therapy for really gross reasons. Turns out, my then-husband had developed an infatuation with her and was taking it out on her in this weird and negative way. She is 20 years younger than him, by the way. He denied it was him for months and months until she finally caught an exact date and time for an email signup sent to her by a website, so I confronted him and asked him to let me look at his phone if he had nothing to hide."

"Knowing exactly what I was looking for, I found it in his browser history almost immediately. He confessed his 'crush' on her and said that making her life hell was his way of 'trying to get over her.' That was the end of our relationship, though he begged to go to couples therapy. It took six months to get away from that narcissist P.O.S., but I found a place to move out, and it's been quite a ride. I am glad to have got away from that toxic b.s. Three years later, he still follows her on social media and makes my family feel icky when he's mentioned."


33."My best friend casually admitted that he'd slept with our male bosses and multiple male coworkers, all of whom are married...to women. He also showed me proof of the DMs they'd sent him. It was definitely hard to go to work the next day and see everyone — especially the boss' wife who works there too."


Jodie Comer looks surprised and focused, her hair pulled back, wearing a patterned top, with a blurred person in the background

34."A coworker shared that a police officer groped her as a teen. Awful, yes, but she shared this in an icebreaker 'getting to know you' session! So awkward."


35."One of my friends was six months pregnant with her fiancée's baby, and everyone was really happy and excited for them. One day, she came to my house for lunch and confessed that the baby wasn't her fiancée's. I was shocked because I never knew her to be a cheater, but I was even more shocked when she said the father was MY BROTHER. She asked me to keep it a secret, but that was too much. I told her she had a week to tell her fiancée or I would. She ended up telling him, and they called off the engagement. My brother wanted to try and make things work, but she said, 'It was a one-time thing.' They co-parent now, but damn, was that a bomb to drop."


36."A friend (A), who was maybe 27 or 28 and had been married at least eight or nine years, told a friend (B) and me that she'd never had an orgasm. Ever. We were dumbfounded, and when we left her house, B and I just exploded at each other with shock. B is usually pretty conservative but said, 'SHE'S NEVER EVEN HAD ONE MASTURBATING? DOES SHE EVEN MASTURBATE? EVEN I GOTTA CUM SOMETIMES!!!!' I lost touch with A a while ago, but I still wonder if she ever got comfortable enough with herself and her husband to experience a nice O."


Scarlett Johansson, in a pink blouse, sitting and speaking. Subtitled text reads, "And you haven't heard of the miracle of masturbation?"
United Artists

37."Not me, but my mom. My grandmother told my mom, her daughter-in-law, that she had tried to abort her firstborn child, my dad's older sister, before she was born but that 'the mustard seed bath didn't work.' I always wondered why my grandmother felt the urge to tell her daughter-in-law this."


38."My husband and I went shoe shopping in an artsy little tourist town, and I kept finding more things I liked, so we were there for a while. The proprietor seemed to really enjoy talking to us and randomly escalated to telling us in graphic detail about a rich, famous artist sexually assaulting her at some event. It was a weird story to tell strangers, for sure, but stranger yet: she shared it like it was a funny story and not a big deal."


39."I worked with a guy who could not have been more opposite of my values and politics. He was a loud, conservative Christian patriarch capitalist type. I am none of those things. We really got on each other's nerves, and the project was suffering as a result. One day, he came into my office and said, 'Did I ever tell you that I went to prison?' My jaw dropped. He shared his whole story about how he made some shady financial deals years ago and went to prison. He lost his business and nearly lost his family. He spent years repairing the damage. I appreciated his vulnerability in sharing his story. It made me see him in a new light, and we actually became friends as a result. Who knew it was possible?"


A person in an orange prison uniform holds on to jail cell bars with both hands
Steven Puetzer / Via Getty Images

40."I was 17 or 18 and worked at a coffee shop (you know, that super popular one?), and the woman in the drive-thru window sounded sad over the headset, maybe like she'd been crying. When she got to the window, it was very obvious she had been, so I asked what was wrong. She said she didn't want to bother me with something dumb like her problems, but I insisted. I love to listen to people. With a deep sigh, she said, 'My boyfriend just tried to kill my daughter.' This was at, like, 6 p.m. on a Thursday!"


41."I'm a teacher. A parent told me she was having deodorant problems and that her armpits were super itchy and enflamed during parent-teacher interviews."


42."I share a small office with two other women. One coworker revealed to me that the other coworker was a virgin. We are all in our 40s, and she slipped up one day and told me she was worried about her. She said, 'I'm worried she could have cancer or something because she has never been to the gyno. She has never been because she thought you had to have had sex for it to matter.' I was floored. That was not her place to tell that personal information."


A woman standing in a luxurious room crosses her arms in front of her chest with the text "Not cool" at the bottom

43."A friend told me that their ex-boyfriend accidentally burned down their apartment in a multi-family home with a cigarette on the window ledge. The fire investigators ruled it an unknown-cause accident, so they never copped to it. Thankfully, everyone had the necessary insurance, so it all worked out okay, but man, what a story to just toss out there 'no biggie.'"


44."My mom told my siblings for years that she and their dad split because he cheated on her while she was in the hospital having my sister. This was a constant 'your dad did x and is such a horrible person for doing that to me' mentality she pushed onto them. It influenced their relationship with and the opinion they had of their dad. She finally admitted when they were in their 30s that she had a history of cheating on him first. Way to make him out to be the villain for their entire lives."


45."For years, I supported my friend who chose to stick by her husband and suffer while being cheated on repeatedly. It wasn't a secret, so while they remained together, I often struggled not to be too judgy to her spouse. My friend attended therapy and often asked to meet up for coffee to vent, but she would end up canceling because she didn't want me to feel uncomfortable around her husband. They were social and liked to host parties. At one event, she confessed the whole time her spouse had been cheating; she, too, was being unfaithful."

"Nobody knew because our friend was smarter and knew how to cover her tracks better. Also, she wasn't going to therapy — when she canceled our coffee dates, she did it to go on dates with her boyfriend. She begged me not to tell my husband, but all the lying and looking for sympathy was too much. Apparently, her husband knew the whole time but wasn't complaining because of the extra money she was 'bringing in' from the other men in her life."


A man with curly hair and glasses, likely associated with BuzzFeed Video, appears on screen with the caption "I am shook a little bit."

46."I've been a chaplain for several years, and you would be surprised at how many people confess to things before they pass. It can be something as simple as drug use or cheating or stealing up to things that they could've gone to jail for. It's almost always something that has happened in the past. Nothing is happening now. It's mostly just their conscience. But at least once a month, I walk away, saying, 'What the hell just happened?'"


47."Not me, my wife. Early in our relationship, we flew to my hometown, where I had a function, so she had to spend dinner alone with my mom. She was a little nervous because they'd only met a couple of times, and I'd always been around. At their dinner, my mom ended up telling her about how my paternal grandmother died in a car crash before I was born. This I knew. But my mom also told her that my maternal grandmother — my mom's mom — caused the crash. Even I didn't know this. I don't think it was a secret as much as something that was never, ever talked about. Anyway, you can imagine how shocked and uncomfortable my wife was learning this."


48."My married coworker confessed to me that she'd been having an extramarital affair with her married Pentecostal Preacher for the last three years. This came up because I caught one of our employees stealing money from our organization. I said there is never a good reason to embezzle funds, and she told me how her preacher had been stealing money from their church and hiding it away for them to start a new life together one day. She said that her youngest son (who is freakishly tall given the stature of her and her husband) is actually the preacher's son! Houston, Texas, is wild. She thought her 'love story' showed there are times when embezzlement is justified."


Woman wearing sunglasses on her head, a scarf, and bracelets enthusiastically posing with text above her reading "CAN I GET AN" and below her reading "AMEN?"

49."Back at my first job, a new coworker started who kind of struck me as a partier. They reinforced this when they told me ever-so casually VERY early into their time there that they'd been arrested for a DUI in college, had their license suspended, and had to go to a remedial driving class to get it back. They said it so casually and actually said it was an 'overreaction.' This same person sent an email to my boss a year later calling me 'completely unprofessional' when I accidentally sent a different coworker a link to a movie trailer instead of a form they needed (which I fixed less than five minutes later). Sure, I'm the unprofessional one."


50."A woman I worked retail with, who up until that point was the sweetest, gentlest middle-aged lady I'd ever met, told me the most disturbing story about her family. This was in the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina; she and her family had lived there for generations. They were well-known and well-loved by basically everyone for being kind and generous neighbors. One casual Wednesday, as my coworker and I were restocking shelves, she told me that years ago, her sister-in-law's boyfriend was caught assaulting the SIL's very young child. She then witnessed the men of the family, including her husband, take the boyfriend deep into the mountains and return several hours later without him. He was never seen or heard from again."

"There was a bare-bones investigation, but nothing ever came of it. The especially shocking thing wasn't just that she had essentially confessed to being a witness — even an accomplice — to a possible murder. It's that she told me the story so calmly, so evenly, and so unapologetically. She never brought up anything like it again and knitted me a baby bonnet as a gift when I left on maternity leave a few months later. I still think about her."
