67p cupboard items trick cleans sofas and rugs and 'banishes foul smells'

Person cleaning sofa with cloth and a spray bottle
Simple kitchen staples can help remove stains -Credit:skaman306

A clever 67p hack using common household items can effectively clean large and unwashable items like rugs and sofas, while also banishing foul odours, an expert has said. Whether it's the lingering scent of wet dog or the aftermath of smelly gym socks, eliminating stubborn smells from unwashable items can be challenging and may require costly professional cleaning services.

But Terry Fisher from We Buy Any Home said there's a straightforward yet effective solution that's already in your kitchen cupboards – baking soda and essential oils. This budget-friendly household hack not only rids your home of unpleasant smells, but also provides an eco-conscious alternative to chemical-laden fabric fresheners.

"This budget-friendly solution using baking soda and essential oils is a game-changer when it comes to combating stubborn odours in the home," Terry said. "It eliminates odours rather than just covering them up, and it's incredibly cost-effective."

To tackle odours effectively, Terry recommended starting with a generous sprinkle of baking soda on the affected area.

"For large items like sofas or carpets, you'll need approximately one cup of baking soda," he said. "Baking soda acts as a natural deodoriser, absorbing odours rather than simply masking them."

Once the baking soda is applied, Terry suggested adding a few drops of essential oils for an extra boost of freshness. "Choose your favourite essential oil – lavender, tea tree, or lemon are popular choices – and add around 10 to 15 drops to the baking soda," Terry said. "Essential oils not only provide a pleasant scent but also possess antibacterial properties, helping to neutralise odour-causing bacteria."

After applying the baking soda and essential oil mixture, Terry advised leaving it to sit for at least 15 to 30 minutes to allow it to work its magic. "During this time, the baking soda will absorb odours while the essential oils infuse the air with a delightful scent," he said.

Then, simply vacuum or brush off the mixture to reveal refreshed and odour-free surfaces. One of the key benefits of this method is its eco-friendly nature.

Terry said: "Unlike commercial air fresheners that often contain harsh chemicals, baking soda and essential oils are non-toxic and safe for both your family and the environment. Plus it's incredibly cost-effective, making it a win-win solution for homeowners."

Terry also highlights the importance of addressing foul odours when selling a home.

He cautioned: "Foul-smelling odours can be a major turn-off for potential buyers. A home that smells fresh and inviting is much more likely to attract interest and secure a sale. Utilising simple hacks like baking soda and essential oils can make a significant difference in creating a positive first impression."

A large tub of baking soda will set you back just £1 from Poundland, while you can order a bottle of lavender essential oils on Amazon for £2.97. By combining these affordable household items, you can create a powerful cleaning hack that costs you roughly 67p each time you use it, Terry said.