70 people and stillborn baby make up final Grenfell Tower death toll

Seventy people and a stillborn baby have been confirmed as the final death toll in the Grenfell Tower fire, police have confirmed.

The final toll comes as part of an extensive search investigation led by the Metropolitan Police in the aftermath of the tragic blaze, which occurred in June this year.

Stillborn baby Logan Gomes has also been recorded as a victim of the fire, along with the 70 residents who perished in the blaze.

The Grenfell Tower blaze took place in June
The Grenfell Tower blaze took place in June

Commander Stuart Cundy said: ‘The human cost and terrible reality of what took place at Grenfell Tower affects so many people.

‘Our search operation and ongoing investigation is about those people. Tragically, that night, 70 children and adults died and a baby was stillborn.

The devastating blaze spread rapidly through Grenfell Tower with 293 people inside. (AFP Photo/NIKLAS HALLE’N)
The devastating blaze spread rapidly through Grenfell Tower with 293 people inside. (AFP Photo/NIKLAS HALLE’N)

‘My thoughts and those of all my colleagues in the Met Police are with all those who lost their loved ones, those who survived, the local community and all those who live with this tragedy every day.’

Investigators examined 15.5 tonnes of debris on each floor and carried out full forensic finger searches as they scoured the 24-storey building.

The search operation, described as ‘mammoth’, is expected to draw to a close next month.

The final inquests are also due to opened and adjourned on November 22, with police vowing to continue a criminal investigation into the fire, pledging to ‘find the answers that so many people so desperately want’.

A public inquiry, led by retired Court of Appeal judge Sir Martin Moore-Bick, will also examine events on the night of the fire to establish how and why the blocked was wrapped in flammable cladding.

He is also expected to look at the response of Kensington and Chelsea Council in the aftermath of the fire.