8 parents confess what they’re looking forward to once the kids go back to school (#6 though…)

 Young African American woman with curly hair laughing and embarrassed giggle covering mouth with hands, gossip and scandal concept
Young African American woman with curly hair laughing and embarrassed giggle covering mouth with hands, gossip and scandal concept

Are you looking forward to the beginning of September? You're not alone. We chat to eight parents who admit they're excited about their kids heading back to school after the long summer holidays.

After at least 1,008 hours (and counting) at home over the summer holidays, it’s no surprise that many parents will be breathing a collective sigh of relief as their children return to school. We've shopped for the best school shoes and spent a small fortune on back-to-school supplies - now it's time to focus on ourselves.

Of course, I’ll miss having my two children around - especially when they’re not arguing or asking for snacks on loop - but there are definitely some things I won’t miss. And some things I really can’t wait to enjoy!

I'm Rachel Tompkins, mum of two, and I'll start with my confession. I'm looking forward to...

1. Exercising without attack

Whenever I try to do a home workout with my two boys, aged 10 and seven, I seem to come under attack. On one occasion I was squatting along to an online class when they fired Nerf bullets at my bum through the stair banister.

Another time when they had friends over they all joined in and thought it was hilarious to count the number of reps I was doing. Now I’ve got a running machine and I can’t embark on a run without them trying to do a Lego treadmill challenge that they’ve seen online.

I’m all for encouraging exercise, but I can’t wait to be able to put on my gym gear and have a run without Nerf bullets or Lego debris impeding my progress.

2. Keeping hold of my phone charger

"If finding missing phone chargers was an Olympic sport I’d finish the summer holidays with a gold medal!" says mum-of-two, Helen.

"In normal, term-time life, my iPhone charger is plugged in next to my bed. I charge my phone when I’m asleep and in the morning I unplug it, safe in the knowledge that it’ll be there when I return.

"However, in the summer holidays, the fact that two daughters are constantly needing a charger for their iPads means that not only is mine never in the place it’s meant to be, but I also face the daily challenge of trying to locate exactly where it is as my kids absent-mindedly leave it in random places.

"I’ve located it under their beds, in a swimming bag, and on one occasion I even found it in their den in the garden - and no, it doesn’t have electricity! Being able to go to bed at night, safe in the knowledge that my phone charger is where it’s meant to be, will be a very welcome relief."

3. Walking around the house in my underwear

"I’m not an exhibitionist but my husband and I have always been very relaxed about our children seeing us naked," explains mum of three, Laura.

"So if I’m getting into the shower or getting changed I leave the door open and my children often walk in. It was fine when they were young but over the holidays the oldest two have got into having video calls with their friends. They’ll often walk around the house holding their iPad and chatting away, with absolutely no regard for who, or what is going on in the background!

"This holiday I narrowly averted flashing my left nipple to my son’s football mate, and on another occasion, my daughter’s best friend got an eyeful of my tatty old thong when I was getting changed and she wandered in filming a TikTok dance video.

"Being able to walk around the house wearing whatever I want without the risk of being caught on camera will be safest for all concerned."

4. Going to the loo in peace

"My husband laughed when I told him, but being able to go to the toilet in peace is definitely something I can’t wait to do," admits mum-of-three, Louise.

"It’s the only time I get a minute to myself when the kids are off school and I like sitting there scrolling through social media on my phone. But for the last six weeks, I’ve been interrupted practically every time by a child wanting something. Why they can’t wait for a few minutes until I’ve finished, I’ll never know."

Woman offering friend chocolate
Woman offering friend chocolate

5. Eating chocolate without my head in a cupboard

"Not only are my kids constantly hungry when they’re off school but they also have selective hearing," says mum-of-two, Faye.

"You can guarantee that if I’m calling them for tea or to practice their musical instruments they won’t hear me, but the slightest rustle of a chocolate wrapper will be heard from the other end of the house.

"Not wanting the kids to snack on chocolate between meals (or steal my beloved Dairy Milk stash...) means whenever I fancy a square with my coffee I’ve had to resort to sticking my head in a kitchen cupboard and wolfing it down before they notice. It kind of ruins the experience to be honest, so come Monday morning I can’t wait to noisily unwrap any bar I want and sit decadently on the sofa eating it as slowly as I want."

6. Daytime sex

"My husband works shifts as a civil servant so he’s often working evenings and weekends,’ admits mum of two, Becky.

"I run my business from home so often the only time we see each other during the week is during the daytimes. When our two children are at school we often enjoy daytime sex. Not wanting to risk them walking in on us now that they’re getting older, we’ve had to abstain for practically the whole six weeks. The first day they go back to school I know exactly what we’ll be doing."

7. An empty washing basket

"My daughters can easily get through five outfit changes in a day during the summer holidays,’ explains Teresa, mum of two.

"One minute they’ll be in swimming costumes in the paddling pool, the next in their onesies watching TV, before dressing up in their uniforms to play schools - it really is endless.

"The house is constantly filled with a trail of clothes and at the end of each day, the washing basket is overflowing. So I’m really looking forward to getting to the bottom of the washing basket for the first time in six weeks."

8. Diet Coke

"I don’t drink alcohol but I love drinking a nice, cold Diet Coke to quench my thirst after doing the housework," explains mum of two, Georgie.

"However this summer we’ve had to implement a no-fizzy-drinks rule for the children because our teenage son was drinking too many cans. So this summer I’ve had to lead by example and forgo my daily treat of a Diet Coke. Roll on term time; I can’t wait to feel that ice-cold can in my hands and really quench my thirst."

Welcome to Back to School Month here at Goodto where we'll be bringing you a whole host of features over the next few weeks to help you get fully prepped for back-to-school season. Whether you're wondering when the kids go back to school or how to support your child on A-level exam results day, we've got it all covered.