8 things you should know about the new Nokia 3310

The phone resembles the original, although it is noticeably thinner and lighter - Bloomberg
The phone resembles the original, although it is noticeably thinner and lighter - Bloomberg

Seventeen years after the original landed, the new Nokia 3310 is on shelves today. With a design faithful to the original, a £50 price tag and a big dollop of nostalgia, it could well tempt the odd buyer tired of the constant pressures - and inconsistent battery life - of their smartphone.

But while it shares a name and resemblance, this isn't the 3310 you'll remember from school. A colour screen, new button layout and camera are included, although your favourite 2D serpent is still here - some things are sacred after all. Here's what you should know before buying one:

Battery life is as reliable as ever

The new 3310 doesn’t match up to today’s high-tech smartphones in many ways, but it does have that famous battery life - mainly thanks to it leaving out all the features that drain power like Wi-Fi, 4G and a touchscreen.

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Forget charging overnight, you’re unlucky if you have to plug this in more than once a week. If you turned it off you’d probably find life left in it years later.

There’s no WhatsApp

You might say this is the whole point of owning a retro phone, but you’ll have to go back to texting on this.

The S30+ operating system the Nokia 3310 runs on doesn’t support apps like WhatsApp, even though it does have a very basic internet connection. If you’re used to massive group chats, you’ll miss out.

It won’t take your SIM card

The SIM card slot on the back of the 3310 is designed for the micro SIM format, which is bigger than the nano SIMs used in most smartphones nowadays. If you try to pop your normal SIM in there, it will wiggle around and possibly get stuck.

You’ll either have to get a new SIM from your network, or buy an adapter. Luckily, they cost next to nothing.

You can check Facebook on it - just about

The 3310 comes with the Opera web browser, which lets you visit mobile versions of websites such as Facebook - if you need to.

Nokia 3310 vs iPhone 7

The 2.5G connection is painfully slow, however, so forget about loading images and videos, let alone Facebook Live. And that screen is too small to see anything of significance.

You might break your fingernail opening it

Most phones have back sealed inside nowadays, but you have to open the 3310 when you first get it to insert the battery and SIM card - just like the good old days.

But on our review model, the back plate was snapped so tight to the phone that it took some serious finger and nail strength to dig underneath it. Beware.

You’ll have to buy a storage card

The new 3310 has a couple of modern features not on the original - you can listen to music and take pictures with the (underpowered) 2MP camera.

But there’s almost no internal storage on the phone, so you’ll have to buy a microSD card if you want to be able to take more than half a dozen pictures.

Snake is not how you remember it

If you’re buying the 3310, there’s a high chance that Snake is a big part of the draw. But it’s not quite how you remember: Snake in 2017 is in technicolour, complete with power-ups, booby traps and leaderboards.

While still an addictive game in the classic “survival” mode, it’s not quite one for the purists (although you can play that below).

Using buttons again is a strange experience

Don’t be surprised if you find yourself helplessly tapping on the screen when you first try this out. Using buttons to control a phone has become so alien that it takes some getting used to.

But if you spent your adolescence putting your thumbs at risk with incessant keypad texting, it should all come flooding back to you soon enough.

The Nokia 3310 is available now for £49.99 from Vodafone and Carphone Warehouse

Play classic Snake
  • Use the arrow keys to direct the snake around the screen and eat the dots. 

  • The more dots the snake eats, the longer it grows and the higher your score.

  • Avoid causing the snake to eat itself, and use the arrow keys to start the game again.

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