Aberdeen police issue warning over QR code 'quishing' scam catching out drivers

Drivers in car parks have been targeted with the new scam
-Credit: (Image: Aberdeen City Council)

Police in Aberdeen have warned residents to be wary of a new 'quishing' scam which has seen drivers targeted at car park pay points.

QR code phishing, known as quishing, is a type of attack that sees QR codes used to lure victims into revealing sensitive information or installing malware onto their personal devices.

Scammers create a QR code that looks legitimate, often appearing to offer a discount or special offer, but it instead directs the victim to a fake website controlled by the attacker.

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The fake website can be hard to spot, as the attackers create legitimate-looking sites and logos impersonating known brands.

Officers in the Granite City have raised the issue on their social media having recently received reports of such tactics being used at pay and display points within car parks.

How it works

1. The scammer creates a fake QR code that looks like a legitimate one.

2. The scammer places the fake QR code in a public place, such as on a poster, flyer, or social media post.

3. The victim scans the QR code with their smartphone or other device.

4. The QR code takes the victim to a fraudulent website that looks like the real thing.

5. The victim is prompted to enter their personal information, such as login credentials, financial information, or credit card numbers.

6. The scammer steals the victim's information and uses it to commit fraud.

Constable Richard Russell of the North East Crime Reduction Team issued advice to locals on how to avoid being caught out by the scam

He said: "If the QR code is on a poster in a public area, always check whether it appears to have been stuck over the original. If the sign or notice is laminated and the QR code is under the lamination or part of the original print, chances are it’s more likely to be genuine

"If in doubt, download the app from the official Google or Apple store or search the website on your phone’s internet browser, rather than scanning a QR code to take you there.

"Check the preview of the QR code's URL to see if it appears legitimate. Make sure the website uses HTTPS rather than HTTP, doesn't have obvious misspellings and has a trusted domain

"Trust your instincts. If something doesn’t seem right, don’t share your details."

If you have lost money or provided financial information as a result of a quishing scam, notify your bank immediately and report it to Police Scotland.

If you have received an email which you’re not quite sure about, forward it to report@phishing.gov.uk For more advice on frauds & Scams visit - https://orlo.uk/c2Hiy.

Aberdeen City Council added: "Please be aware of scams involving fake QR codes on pay-and-display parking meters.

"Recent scams have seen fake QR codes places on parking signage and meters that once scanned takes the user to fraudulent websites that takes their details and payment.

"We don’t have QR codes on any of our machines across the city. More information on cashless parking can be found here: https://orlo.uk/a5FbP."