Abusive Exeter man banned from boozing in public

John Bosley
-Credit: (Image: Devon and Cornwall Police)

An Exeter man has been banned from drinking alcohol in public following a spate of abusive and threatening behaviour. John Bosley, 59, threatened members of the public and made abusive phone calls to the police control room and Exeter City Council.

He appeared at court last Thursday (June 13) and was sentenced to 12 weeks in prison, suspended for one year. Bosley, of Summer Lane, pleaded guilty to two counts of using threatening or abusive words or behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress and two counts of malicious communications.

He was also issued with a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) by Exeter Magistrates’ Court. The order is in place until June 13, 2017, and imposes the following conditions:

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  1. The defendant must not contact directly or indirectly Devon and Cornwall Police unless there is a genuine emergency.

  2. The defendant must not threaten to engage in or engage in conduct which causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to any employee or contractor of Exeter City Council.

  3. The defendant must not have on his person whilst in a public place, any open alcohol container or vessel.

  4. The defendant must not act or incite others to act in an anti-social manner, that is to say, a manner that causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household in the area of Summer Lane.

John Bosley
John Bosley -Credit:Devon and Cornwall Police

Sector Inspector Dave Turner said: “The Exeter Neighbourhood Team applied for the CBO alongside the criminal charges due to the impact his behaviour has had on the local community. Over a period of time, Bosley has behaved abusively towards others in the community and made repeated and abusive phone calls to the police control room and Exeter City Council.

“As well as a suspended sentence and court order, he has been issued with an alcohol tag which will remain in place for 3 months and monitors alcohol intake.” Insp Turner added: “This behaviour will not be tolerated in our community, and I’m reassured that the courts have granted the CBO."