Police car window smashed and officer assaulted in city centre

At least eight police cars and a van were in attendance <i>(Image: Lucy Hunt / The Argus)</i>
At least eight police cars and a van were in attendance (Image: Lucy Hunt / The Argus)

A man has been arrested after a police car window was smashed and an officer was assaulted in the city centre.

Police responded to an altercation inside a premises in North Street, Brighton city centre, which The Argus understands to be Greggs.

Officers detained a man on the floor of the busy road, with straps visible around his legs, before he was placed in the back of a police van.

A man was placed in the back of a police van following the incident (Image: Lucy Hunt / The Argus)

A man was arrested for assault and criminal damage and remains in custody.

Traffic was temporarily blocked in North Street as at least eight police cars and a van attended the scene.

A spokesman for Sussex Police said: “Police received a report of a disturbance and altercations inside a premises in North Street, Brighton, at about 9.10am on Wednesday, June 26.

The window of a police car was smashed (Image: Lucy Hunt / The Argus)

“An officer attending the scene was also assaulted and damage was caused to a police vehicle.

“A man has been arrested on suspicion of assault and criminal damage and remains in custody at this time.

“Witnesses or anyone with information such as CCTV or mobile phone footage of the incident is asked to report it to Sussex Police online, quoting serial 377 of 26/06.”