Abusive husband bugged office to spy on wife's therapist appointment

An abusive husband physically attacked his wife and bugged her office so he could listen to a therapist appointment. He also placed his hands around his wife's neck and burst into tears.

Mark Holloway, 54, of Cardiff, had been in a relationship with his wife for 29 years and the couple had two grown-up children. Between August 1, 2020, and July 24, 2022, he engaged in a course of controlling and coercive behaviour towards his wife.

A sentencing hearing at Newport Crown Court heard there was an incident where the defendant pulled the victim by her hair after telling her: "Don't you walk away from me." He then held her over the bannister and attempted to punch her with his other hand causing bruising to the back of her ear.

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In the following months the arguments continued and he monitored all aspects of her life. He constantly checked her phone and messages and made derogatory comments to her about her. Holloway made comments about her appearance and suggested she was trying to make herself attractive to other men.

In another incident there was an argument about the defendant obtaining work and he became aggressive. Holloway flew across the room towards her with a clenched fist. He placed his hands around her neck and broke down in tears.

One evening the defendant went away for the weekend but sent the victims abusive messages via WhatsApp. The victim woke at 4.30am when Holloway pulled up in the drive, went into the house, and walked into the bedroom shouting and screaming. He was intoxicated and accused the victim of having an affair and called her a "whore" and "disgusting". The defendant then held her down on the duvet and hit her on a number of occasions.

Prosecutor Roger Griffiths said Holloway repeated statements made by the victim she made in an appointment with her therapist. The victim realised the office where the appointment had taken place had been bugged by the defendant. He threatened to slander her on social media and tell her friends about an alleged affair.

She attempted to call the police but he took the phone away from her. Fortunately the police arrived shortly later and he was arrested.

Holloway, of Silver Birch, Whitchurch, pleaded guilty to engaging in controlling/coercive behaviour. The court heard he had no previous convictions.

In a victim personal statement read to the court the victim said: "You made me believe I was making every decision and blame me when I made the wrong decision. I thought I was in control but I made the decisions I knew you wanted me to. I tried to make you happy... It was impossible to make you happy."

In mitigation Tom Crowther said his client had been described as a "decent, hardworking and trustworthy man, generous in spirit, caring and funny". The barrister said the defendant's family business came to an end in lockdown, which he struggled with and felt he had let generations of his family down.

Sentencing, Judge Matthew Porter-Bryant said: "Your victim was left questioning herself and had low self-esteem. The happier she was the more unhappy you became... I am satisfied at times you wanted to humiliate your former wife. Violence was used on at least two occasions." The judge said he believed there was a realistic prospect of rehabilitation in the defendant's case.

Holloway was sentenced to 33 weeks imprisonment suspended for 18 months. He was made subject to a programme requirement, a 10-day rehabilitation activity requirement, and a restraining order of five years and must complete 80 hours of unpaid work.

If you or someone you know is affected by domestic abuse visit the Live Fear Free website or call the helpline on 0808 80 10 800.

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