Go-ahead for village butcher's shop to become a home

The property is set back from the High Street, on an alleyway between two houses <i>(Image: Google)</i>
The property is set back from the High Street, on an alleyway between two houses (Image: Google)

A former village butcher's shop is set to be turned into a home.

West Norfolk Council has agreed plans to convert the two-storey premises at Methwold, near Downham Market, into a one-bed house.

A planning statement said: "The site is situated on the northern side of the High Street and comprises the former butcher’s shop which has been vacant for some time now.

"The property is set back from the main road with a shared driveway. Surrounding properties have all been converted into residential use."

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A planning officer's report said: "The building has the appearance of a residential dwelling with no traditional shopfront and is adjacent to existing dwellings which have been converted from the extensions to the butcher shop."

It added the proposal would be "limited in their impact on neighbour amenity".

Methwold Parish Council supported the application because it would make use of a vacant building in the village.