Alastair Campbell praises 'hard graft' of his nephew as he becomes new Rushcliffe MP

Tony Blair's former spin doctor Alastair Campbell has paid tribute to the "hard graft" of his nephew after Labour won Rushcliffe in the general election for the first time in nearly 60 years. Mr Campbell is uncle to James Naish, who was confirmed as Rushcliffe's new MP after the July 4 election saw a swing in Rushcliffe of 12.9 per cent towards Labour.

It marks the loss of a stronghold for the Conservatives, with Rushcliffe having formerly been held by Ken Clarke and having last elected a Labour MP in 1966. Tony Blair's former communications director paid tribute to his nephew by writing: "Did anyone get more actual votes than my nephew James Naish in Rushcliffe?

"And did anyone get higher than the 73pc turnout? He is living proof that there is no substitute in campaigning for shoe leather and door knocking! Barely bothers with social media. All about hard graft."

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Mr Naish currently serves as the leader of Bassetlaw District Council but has confirmed he will be stepping down from that role following his general election victory. The Rushcliffe result saw the Conservative Party's Ruth Edwards defeated on a night which left Nottinghamshire with just one Tory MP.

Mr Campbell was pictured door knocking in Rushcliffe in the days before the general election, campaigning on behalf of his nephew. Writing after Mr Naish was selected as Labour's candidate earlier this year, Alastair Campbell said: "I love the fact that he hasn't tweeted once about his attempt to get selected. He has just knocked on hundreds of doors and had hundreds of cups of tea and chats. Well done Jamie. Proud of you."