Alison Hammond Claims 'Best TV Moment' Ever For Outrageous Bed Stunt

Alison Hammond had viewers in fits of laughter over the weekend
Alison Hammond had viewers in fits of laughter over the weekend

Alison Hammond had viewers in fits of laughter over the weekend

Y’all know Alison Hammond – of topless sailor-pushing and Harrison Ford-wooing fame.

Well, as of Saturday night, the much-beloved ITV presenter has been involved in yet another iconic piece of television when she appeared on Michael McIntyre’s Big Show.

In a segment called, Midnight Gameshow, McIntyre showed up to Hammond’s home in the small hours to play a whole host of games with the popular television host. And he didn’t come alone – no sir!

After confirming with Hammond that she was once supposed to appear on the iconic dating game show Blind Date before she found fame, McIntyre set about creating a version of Blind Date that Hammond could play from her bed.

Unbeknownst to the This Morning host, beyond the pink screen was her childhood crush Jason Donovan!

Hammond proceeded to guess who her “date” was, whittling it down to a “singer” before asking Donovan if he was in I’m a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! and Neighbours.

After confirming her suspicions, Donovan popped up over the screen and Hammond truly lost it.

Alison admitted to having a childhood crush on Australian the TV star
Alison admitted to having a childhood crush on Australian the TV star

Alison admitted to having a childhood crush on Australian the TV star

“Ah, Jason Donovan... this is not where I need you in my bed!” Hammond yelled before requesting the screen be removed and the crew leave her room so she could be alone with the Neighbours star.

Standing beside the pair in bed together, McIntyre dug a little deeper into Hammond’s “obsession” with the 1980s TV icon.

“I was just obsessed,” she admitted, “when he was getting married to Kylie Minogue in Neighbours, I used to pretend and have dreams that it was actually me you were marrying”, she confessed.

Hammond and Donovan then burst into a rendition of Suddenly by Angry Anderson – the song that played during Donovan and Minogue’s memorable wedding scene in Neighbours – with Hammond confessing it was “the best day of [her] life”.

“I am married,” protested Donovan when McIntyre suggested it was their wedding day. “Just for this moment, forget her,” Hammond clapped back before exploding into fits of laughter.

Fans are calling Hammond’s appearance on the show one of the “best pieces of television ever”, mainly because of Hammond’s incredible reaction.

You can watch all of Hammond’s appearance on Midnight Gameshow below:
