Annie Lennox Shares Hilarious Email Offering to Help Launch Her Career

Music star Annie Lennox was invited to submit an MP3 for the chance o have her music played on an LA radio station
Music star Annie Lennox was invited to submit an MP3 for the chance o have her music played on an LA radio station

World-famous musician Annie Lennox made plenty of fans smile today after she shared an email that she had received from a radio "new music" researcher, identified only as Kylie, offering to help launch her career.

"I think I'm in with a chance?" quipped the 62-year-old Scot on her Facebook page today, after sharing a photograph of the embarrassingly uninformed message, which invites the star to "be sure to send me that MP3!"

But while many gleefully seized upon the letter as an example of millennial ignorance, berating the mysterious Kylie for her apparent lack of knowledge (and inability to use Google), others have suggested that the message could in fact be an automated phishing scam.

An article by The Wrap points out that the real purpose of the email seems to be to persuade recipients to click on a link, whose URL is blanked out of the post Lennox shared, and sign up to an artist development firm.

The article also makes the very good point that it's extremely rare for real radio stations to reach out to artists in this way and urge them to seek representation with a specific company. Some people have claimed that the station could KMIX Radio Los Angeles, due to the fact that a Glenn works there as director, but the company itself has not commented on this rumour.

In other words,  while the email has been widely reported as a cautionary tale about a young  person failing to recognise a music great, perhaps the really worrying thing is how many of the people commenting have apparently failed to recognise the signs of online fraudsters.

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