'Another minute and we'd have been trapped': Tenant's safety fears after troubled East Kilbride flats are torched

-Credit: (Image: East Kilbride News)
-Credit: (Image: East Kilbride News)

A traumatised tenant says he is now living in fear after his block of flats were torched in a terrifying early-morning attack.

Speaking exclusively to Lanarkshire Live, the tenant told how the top floor of the four-storey building in East Kilbride was engulfed in flames in a matter of minutes, nearly trapping him and his partner inside their home.

Luckily the quick-thinking couple were able to crawl out of the property and get the other residents to safety before the fire could spread further.

Fire crews rushed to the scene at Pine Crescent in Greenhills in the early hours of Thursday morning after reports of a blaze in a stairwell.

Police are treating the incident as wilful fireraising.

The aftermath of the blaze. -Credit:Stuart Vance/ReachPlc
The aftermath of the blaze. -Credit:Stuart Vance/ReachPlc

The eye witness said: "Myself and my partner were nearly trapped in the blaze. We had to crawl out of our property because of the flames. In a matter of a couple of minutes it went from nothing to total darkness with all the lights burnt out, windows exploding and flames everywhere.

"Thankfully it was only ourselves and another resident on the top floor and they were able to alert us to it and it was the furthest point away from the close door - that's the only reason we were able to get everyone out.

The block was damaged by the flames. -Credit:Stuart Vance/ReachPlc
The block was damaged by the flames. -Credit:Stuart Vance/ReachPlc

"We spent the next 15 minutes trying to get everyone else out the block including young kids and elderly and vulnerable people.

"The fire brigade said another minute and we'd have been trapped inside of our property.

"My partner had to get oxygen from paramedics on the ground and we were later admitted to the Queen Elizabeth hospital for smoke inhalation and carbon monoxide poisoning."

Another eye witness told us: "It is a block of flats full of families it could have been fatal."

The tenant says the unsecure building has since been left "in total darkness" with the top floor in an "unlivable" condition due to extensive smoke and fire damage.

And the couple, who have lost everything but the clothes on their backs, claim they are now homeless as they don't feel safe enough to return to their home.

The tenant added: "Nearly a week later and the full top floor still hasn't been mended by the council, they've just boarded up the windows and left it smoke and fire damaged. As soon as you step foot in the door you can still smell the fire.

Outside of where the fire took hold in East Kilbride. -Credit:Stuart Vance/ReachPlc
Outside of where the fire took hold in East Kilbride. -Credit:Stuart Vance/ReachPlc

"The top floor is completely black but the council have tried to make me and my partner move back into it. They are expecting a young family to move back into a fire-damaged property with no communal lights in the building. Residents are having to walk around with torches, the place is in total darkness.

"The secure access doors have been broken on and off for years and the council never fully repaired them, otherwise no one would have been able to get in and start the fire - and it's still not fixed.

"My main concern is the rest of the residents' safety. The fire wasn't targeted at us personally, but the fear of them returning has got us staying away. There were ongoing issues there, but never as bad as this. Nobody wants to be in that block anymore, it's a scary place to be.

"As it stands we're currently homeless as we don't feel safe in the property and we've lost everything we own - thousands of pounds worth of belongings - due to smoke damage. We've also incurred lost of earnings because of this, not to mention the emotional side of things.

"We're trying to get help through therapy as we're still not sleeping, like many of the other residents. We're still severely shaken up by the whole thing. It still doesn't feel real, it's gut-churning - terrifying to say the least."

A Scottish Fire and Rescue Service spokesperson said: "We were alerted at 2.44am on Thursday, June 6, to reports of a dwelling fire at Pine Crescent, East Kilbride.

“Operations Control mobilised two fire appliances and one height vehicle to the scene. Firefighters extinguished a fire affecting a flat within a three-storey building.

“One casualty was in the care of the Scottish Ambulance Service and crews left after ensuring the area was made safe.”

The aftermath of the fire. -Credit:Stuart Vance/ReachPlc
The aftermath of the fire. -Credit:Stuart Vance/ReachPlc

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Around 2.50am on Thursday, June 6 we were called to a report of a fire within a stairwell of a property on Pine Crescent in East Kilbride.

“Emergency services attended and the fire was extinguished. There were no reports of injuries.

“The fire is being treated as wilful and enquiries are ongoing.”

Sharon Egan, South Lanarkshire Council’s Head of Housing Services, said: “Housing and Technical Resources can confirm that following the fire, arrangements were made to clear all debris that was lying in the close and that the close lighting is operating on all levels, except the top level where the fire occurred.

"Unfortunately, the lighting in that area has been badly damaged and will require further remedial works. We are aware that there are issues with the door entry system and have contacted the contractor who will carry out an inspection today.

“Following an incident of this nature, an assessment is carried out to establish the extent of damage to a tenant’s property. Where it is determined that a tenant cannot remain in the property whilst repairs are undertaken, they will be offered a decant. In this instance the tenant has chosen to seek assistance from the council under the homelessness legislation and have been provided with temporary accommodation. Ongoing support will be provided in terms of their housing situation.”

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