'Is This the Apocalypse?': San Francisco Shrouded in Orange Haze From Wildfire Smoke

The San Francisco skyline turned a hazy orange hue on September 9, as wildfires burning across Northern California caused “unprecedented” smoke clouds.

The National Weather Service (NWS) reported dark orange skies in the Bay Area Wednesday morning. The “unprecedented” amount of smoke came as wildfires burned a record 2.2 million acres (3,400 square miles) across California, the NWS said.

Climate scientist Daniel Swain said on Twitter that the “extremely dense” plumes of smoke were almost completely blocking out the sun in Northern California.

This footage, filmed by Jake Bridgland, shows the San Francisco horizon and the Transamerica Pyramid saturated in orange. His son, Max, wrote on Twitter, “Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco this morning…. is this the apocalypse?” Credit: Jake Bridgland via Storyful