'Bad mother' stigma preventing women seeking help for postnatal depression

Between 10 and 15 per cent of mothers suffer postnatal depression - Telegraph
Between 10 and 15 per cent of mothers suffer postnatal depression - Telegraph

Women are hiding postnatal depression because they fear unsympathetic NHS staff and being labelled a “bad mother”, a new study reveals.

A survey in the British Journal of General Practice also found new mothers kept quiet about mental anxiety and being unable to cope because they believed nurses would be more likely to focus on their baby’s weight than their own mental health.

Postnatal depression affects between 10 and 15 per cent of women after having a baby.

I felt like like I was a bad mother and I couldn’t cope with it all

Survey participant

While all new mothers are currently screened for depression around six weeks after giving birth, doctors’ leaders have said the routine appointments are often too short to pick up signs of distress.

One woman who took part in the surveys reviewed by the BJGP said: “There’s a huge stigma about feeling depressed, particularly postnatal”, while another said: “Coping was entwined with perceptions of good mothering.

“I felt like like I was a bad mother and I couldn’t cope with it all.”

Experience of unsympathetic or unhelpful staff during previous pregnancies is also preventing women seeking help, the study found.

Mothers reported simply being offered a prescription for antidepressants and then “sent away”.

Others were put off by having to explain their situation to a different member of staff each time.

Dr Judy Shakespeare, who co-authored the study and speaks for perinatal mental health for the Royal College of General Practitioners, said: "We know it takes an enormous amount of courage for women to approach their doctor with concerns, so it is vital that when they do they are taken seriously, not told that what they are feeling is 'normal', and that they feel safe and secure enough to disclose their feelings to healthcare professionals.

“The routine six-week postnatal check, offered to all new mothers after giving birth, is an important opportunity for GPs and new mothers to discuss issues around mental health and wellbeing – and begin to address any resulting concerns.

“But it’s incredibly hard for GPs to explore all the physical and psychological factors affecting our patients’ health within the time constraints of the consultation as it stands.”