'Suitably dorky': Kids who burst in on their dad's BBC interview inspire animated series

Robert Kelly and Jung-a Kim with their children James and Marion - AFP or licensors
Robert Kelly and Jung-a Kim with their children James and Marion - AFP or licensors

A new animated series has been made about Marion and James Kelly, the children who became a viral hit after interrupting their father’s television interview with BBC World News.

Professor Robert Kelly was talking to the broadcaster about the impeachment of South Korea’s president Park Geun-hye in March when Marion, four, and nine-months old James burst into his study, only to be dragged out by their mortified mother, Jung-a Kim.

The clip quickly became a viral sensation, with memes and gifs made about the incident.

Made by Hans House, the online-only series has given them American voices and different names, but they’ve kept James’ baby stroller, Marion’s glasses, while Kelly is a high-powered professional and Kim is a yoga teacher, just like in real life.

The Adventures of Mina and Jack sees Marion solving crimes as the children follow their father to North Africa in pursuit of a gold thief. 

Kelly approved of the cartoon homage, saying that he looked “suitably dorky”. The three-minute video is intended to be the first of a series.

The analyst also tweeted about his children’s fame, saying that he “interviewed Moon Jae-In, frontrunner of the Korean presidential election for TV” but that “nobody cared” about  his questions and just about his daughter’s arrival.

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