Ardgowan Primary School pupils enjoy sports day in the sun at Glenpark

Ardgowan Primary held its annual sports day at Greenock Cricket Club <i>(Image: George Munro)</i>
Ardgowan Primary held its annual sports day at Greenock Cricket Club (Image: George Munro)

HUNDREDS of pupils from a Greenock primary school recently descended upon Glenpark for their annual sports day.

Children from Ardgowan Primary took part in a range of activities as parents and family members cheered them on.

The youngsters bid for glory in running, wheelbarrow and sack races, as well as competing in tug of war, javelin and other events.

(Image: George Munro)

Head teacher Emma Picken said: “It’s great for them to get out of school for a day into their local community, and to see their parents coming out to support them at these events.

“Something we pride ourselves on at Ardgowan is sport and getting involved in lots of wider achievements.

“It’s a great event on our calendar every year.

(Image: George Munro)

“I love it – I’m really proud to be the head teacher when I get to see all the kids here and all their families.”

Mrs Picken also thanked Greenock Cricket Club for allowing the pupils to use the facilities throughout their health week.