Asda shoppers reduced to tears by schoolboy's incredible gesture

Rhys Taylor
Rhys Taylor -Credit:Katie Doughty

A schoolboy's heartwarming gesture left supermarket staff and customers in tears, with people saying his "kindness will never be forgotten". Rhys Taylor, 12, had been squirrelling away his pennies for a new pair of football boots but decided to treat himself to a T-shirt instead one day last May.

He found himself with some spare change and decided to treat his mum, Katie Doughty, to an iced coffee from their local Asda. The touched mother knew from this that her son was "in a loving mood".

But what she had not realised, however, was that while at the supermarket in Wirral, Merseyside, Rhys had also secretly paid for a stranger's groceries, explaining he wanted to "help the world", the Liverpool ECHO reports.

Speaking about her son's selfless act, Katie said: "He thought he was going to get in trouble so told me the man was struggling to pay for his shopping. He didn't want to tell me at first in case I said he was giving money away but when I found out I told him it was such a lovely thing to do."

"He bought a sausage roll for a homeless guy as well and came home with a surprise for me, he'd printed off a picture of me and him. I try to teach him that the world is materialistic but people won't remember the things you buy, they remember how you make them feel.

"I said it doesn't have to be money, the only thing we have to give is our time, speaking to people asking how they are and he's gone and done something himself. I teach him that happiness is a by-product of living and to be kind and loving but not to be kind to look good."

Rhys' actions were praised by shoppers and social media users
Rhys' actions were praised by shoppers and social media users -Credit:Katie Doughty

Rhys' incredible act of kindness quickly gained attention on social media, after a shopper overheard about the young Samaritan's altruistic deed and posted about it on Facebook.

Katie said: "My sister in law asked me if it was Rhys, I was aware it would come out as Rhys told me but he was buzzing. He knows that what you put into the world comes back tenfold and it was national smile day yesterday as well.

"I told him that little decision he made had a profound impact, he was so happy. I'm super proud of him and he said he felt better doing that than he had buying his T-shirt."

The anonymous individual who shared the story on the Crimewatch Wirral Facebook page praised Rhys, writing: "He was only buying one item. But he insisted on paying for the gentleman's shopping, who was behind him, in the queue. When the man asked the lad why, the lad replied "I want to help the world". He then paid for the man's shopping."

The poster continued: "To Rhys Taylor's parent/parents, what a kind and compassionate young man you have raised. He not only helped someone out, but he also touched everyone's heart. All of us had tears in our eyes, it was such a selfless and thoughtful gesture.

"To Rhys Taylor, you are a legend who put our faith back into humanity, your kindness will never be forgotten. We hear so much about young people causing trouble but Rhys is living proof we also have a lot of amazing young people, who can teach us adults how to be kind. How to put another person before ourselves.

"I believe Rhys Taylor deserves credit, and our utmost respect and admiration. He is one of a kind, and I will never forget his kindness. Life is so tough at the moment but young people like Rhys make the world a better place."

Facebook users flooded the post with comments praising Rhys for his actions. One person replied: "What a lovely, kind, thoughtful young man, you've done your mum and dad proud that will have made that man's day well done."

Addressing Katie, another said: "Well done Rhys and what a very proud mummy you must be, you have raised a beautiful son with a heart of gold. I wish your young man all the happiness, luck, love and very best wishes as he grows into a fine gentleman. Job well done Katie Doughty this is amazing news."

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