Aston Martin F1 car on display at Bicester Village

The display at Bicester Village <i>(Image: Andrew Thompson)</i>
The display at Bicester Village (Image: Andrew Thompson)

An Aston Martin F1 car is currently on display at Bicester Village for visitors to have a look at.

The Aston Martin Aramco F1 Show car is in Bicester to support Aston Martin's Official Fashion Partner, BOSS.

The car is positioned outside their store.

It arrived in Bicester yesterday morning (Monday, June 24) and will remain in place until the evening of this Sunday (June 30).

The next location for the car is the BOSS store in Regent St, London, where it will be going next week.

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Bicester resident Andrew Thompson saw the car in person and said: "It was great in person.

"It was bigger than I expected and there were a lot of small details not easily seen when they are racing on tv."

The Oxford Mail has contacted Bicester Village for more information.