Astronaut inspires Hull students to aim for Mars

Astronaut Don Thomas speaking to students at Hymers College.
-Credit: (Image: Tom Arran Commercial Photography)

American astronaut Don Thomas, who has been on four NASA space shuttle missions, gave an inspiring talk to students at Hymers College.

He encouraged them to work hard and never give up on their dreams, even suggesting that one of them could be the first person to step foot on Mars.

Mr Thomas shared his own journey to becoming an astronaut, which included three rejections before finally being accepted. He also described what it's like to live and work in space.

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He told the students: "Do your best, work hard, and never give up. Don't listen to anyone who says you can't achieve something. If you work hard and are passionate, you can do anything in your lives. Whatever your dream is, don't give up on it."

The event was attended by around 200 students, not only from Hymers but also from other schools including St Mary's College, Beverley Grammar School, Driffield Junior School and Withernsea High School. After Mr Thomas' talk, students from years 6 to 11 and a group of seven Hymers sixth form physics students had the chance to ask questions and get signed photographs.

Mr Thomas added: "I'd wanted to become an astronaut since I was six years old, and my story is one of having a dream, working hard, doing my best, failing along the way, but coming back and ultimately making it into space."

"I was turned down by NASA three times and was 39 by the time I made it into space, so my message is one of perseverance. My dream now is that one day, 20 years from now, I get a call from one of these children here at Hymers to tell me they've just got back from Mars, and they want to say thank you for inspiring them. It's a pleasure to share my experiences with students like these, who are so interested and have such a sparkle in their eye."

Year 8 Hymers student Ram Pisharody, who dreams of becoming an astronaut himself, played a key role in inviting Mr Thomas to the independent Hull school.

From left, Hymers College Headmaster Justin Stanley, student Ram Pisharody, Don Thomas and Ram's mum Sandhya.
From left, Hymers College Headmaster Justin Stanley, student Ram Pisharody, Don Thomas and Ram's mum Sandhya. -Credit:Tom Arran Commercial Photography

Mr Thomas is visiting the UK as part of a series of talks organised by Space Inspires, and Ram's family, having attended previous events, were able to get in touch and extend an invitation to him to visit Hymers, which he accepted.

13 year old Ram, who has met numerous astronauts at various events and even attended NASA's Space Camp in Alabama in 2019, said: "I feel like I've done my school proud. Everyone has benefitted from an astronaut coming here, and learned a lot. I already loved it at Hymers but that's gone to a whole new level after this."

Ram's mother, Sandhya, said: "He's always been passionate about space and we've been attending lectures for years. It's his dream to become an astronaut. Ram was so excited to welcome an astronaut to his school, and to show it off. He's been thriving ever since he came here, and it’s amazing that they put on events like this.”

Hymers Headmaster Justin Stanley, who introduced Mr Thomas to the students, said: "Events like this are all about bringing learning to life outside the classroom and inspiring students with a vision of what study and hard work can lead to. It can literally take them to the stars! Here at Hymers, we're aspirational and always encourage our students to believe that anything is possible."