Avengers’ Jeremy Renner thrilled to be reunited with snow plough that almost crushed him to death

Jeremy Renner has revealed he is being reunited with the snowplough that almost crushed him to death  (ES Composite)
Jeremy Renner has revealed he is being reunited with the snowplough that almost crushed him to death (ES Composite)

Jeremy Renner has shared his delight at being reunited with the snow plough that almost crushed him to death at the beginning of the year.

The Avengers actor, 52, was left in critical condition after “breaking more than 30 bones” while trying to save a family member from the path of the six-tonne machine near his Lake Tahoe home close to the Nevada-California state border in the US.

You would think that Renner would never want to set eyes on the plough again, but this was not the case, as he revealed his joy at it being returned to him three months after the horror accident.

Taking to Instagram Stories on Friday, he shared a picture of the snow plough, writing: “She’s finally making her way home!” followed by praying hands and a smiley face emoji.

Jeremy Renner shared a picture of the snowplough as it made its journey ‘home’ to him (Jeremy Renner/Instagram)
Jeremy Renner shared a picture of the snowplough as it made its journey ‘home’ to him (Jeremy Renner/Instagram)

A follow-up story on the picture sharing app saw The Hurt Locker star joke: “The cat get a police escort… feels like Green Mile,” in reference to the 1999 Tom Hanks movies about inmates on Death Row.

Renner has been regularly keeping his fans updated online as he continues to recover from his injuries, with one post seeing him vow he would do “whatever it takes” to get back to full strength.

An source close to the star has also claimed that he is in no hurry to return to his day job.

Jeremy Renner has been keeping his followers updated online (Jeremy Renner Instagram)
Jeremy Renner has been keeping his followers updated online (Jeremy Renner Instagram)

“Although he does still love acting, Hollywood is just not a priority to him anymore,” they told DailyMail.com.

The source added: “Jeremy believes that he survived the accident so that he can use his platform to really create change in the world.”