Ayrshire care worker who stole £2.60 from service user is struck off

The SSSC said Morrison took advantage of her position and treated the service user’s money as her own
-Credit: (Image: UGC/Ayrshire Live)

An Ayrshire care at home support worker has been struck off for pocketing £2.60 from a service user without their knowledge.

Jade Morrison was labelled “dishonest” and told she had “breached the trust” placed in her.

Morrison’s fitness to practise was deemed “impaired” because of misconduct, the industry regulator, the Scottish Social Service Council (SSSC) said.

In their findings of fact, the SSSC said Morrison took the money on or around July 24, 2022 while employed as a Support Worker by First Homecare, Irvine.

They told Morrison: “Workers are expected to act with honesty and integrity at all times and not act in a way which would place service users at risk of unnecessary harm. Your (Morrison’s) actions in taking money from a service user was dishonest. You have breached the trust placed in you by the service user’s family and your employer.

“In caring for this service user, you were given privileged access to their home. This was a reflection of the trust placed in you by your employer and by the service user’s family. This privileged access was to allow you to carry out your caring responsibilities of the service user.

“However, you took advantage of your position and treated the service user’s money as your own.”

The SSSC disregarded the small amount of cash taken, instead focusing on the fact that it was taken in the first instance.

They said to Morrison: “Regardless of the amount of money taken, the taking of funds from a service user’s home when you should be carrying out caring responsibilities is a serious breach of trust that suggests there are issues with your core values. In such circumstances, it has to be considered that there is a significant risk of repetition of this behaviour.

“We are also concerned that if no action were taken by the SSSC, there is a risk of higher sums of money being taken from a service user without their consent.”

Morrison, it was said, failed to co-operate in the subsequent SSSC investigation, she showed “limited insight” or “regret” regarding her actions and did not apologise for her behaviour.

The SSSC report continues: “You (Morrison) have placed the reputation of the profession at risk of damage and undermined the public confidence in the profession. Your suitability to work in the sector has been brought into question as a result of your alleged conduct. You have not engaged with our investigation and therefore we have not been in a position to consider any potential mitigating circumstances about your behaviour.

“Had you engaged with the investigation and provided comments on the behaviour, it may have been possible to consider a less serious sanction. However, without any involvement from you, we have no assurances that this behaviour is unlikely to occur again.”

The report adds: “There is no evidence that you acknowledge your failings and the lack of insight suggests there is a risk that this behaviour could be repeated.

“The SSSC considers a Removal Order is the most appropriate sanction as it is both necessary and justified in the public interest and to maintain the continuing trust and confidence in the social service profession and the SSSC as the regulator of the profession.”

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