New bar coming to Kendal can stay open until midnight at weekends

The site of the new bar credit LDRS
The site of the new bar credit LDRS

A new bar set to open in Kendal can stay open until midnight on Fridays and Saturdays.

The licensing sub-committee for Westmorland and Furness Council granted a premises licence to High House Bars Ltd for Elsewhere Bar on Wainwrights Yard.

Elsewhere Bar will be located at 5 Wainwrights Yard on the site of the former Slate Bar.

The council has granted a premises licence for the venue to sell alcohol from 11am to 11pm on Sundays to Thursdays and until 11:30pm on Fridays and Saturdays. The venue has also been permitted opening hours of 11am to 11:30pm on Sundays to Mondays and until midnight on Fridays and Saturdays.

In licensing documents, the applicant says no live music will be played at the venue and no music will be played after 10:30pm.

According to the application, the bar is a two-storey building that will operate as a café/bar on the ground floor, with the first floor being proposed as used as extra space for events such as a board games night.

The application received five representations from residents on the grounds of public nuisance with one resident stating the opening of the bar would have a ‘detrimental effect’ on their standard of living.

Initially the bar applied to sell alcohol from 11am to 12am every day and to stay open until 12:30am however following representations the venue altered its application for a premises licence.

One representation from a resident says: “My objection is based on the likelihood of unacceptable noise and disturbance from the premises in the evening.

“There will be noise from people going to and from the premises, people congregating outside of the premises when meeting or leaving together, people chatting when smoking, and noise from inside the premises when the door is left open.

Another representation states: “Residents will find it difficult to open our windows and patio doors during the summer months without noise interference from the bar.”

In response the applicant says: “I do not intend to have DJs playing music at a loud volume. This premises will be used for people to come and socialise whilst enjoying a drink or two.

“We have an automatic closing door installed so it won’t be left open when people enter or exit the building.”

The applicant says they will have signs on the entrance and exit reminding customers to be considerate of others and keep noise down and drinks will not be allowed outside.

The response also states: “’I understand your concern about noise but we will do our best to keep the noise to a minimum. I am always considerate of others and I am aware of the impact noise can have on local residents.”

The licensing sub-committee granted a premises licence on May 28 at Kendal Town Hall.