A Bard night is brewing at East Yorkshire brewery

Kate Balchin with gold medal winning Landmark lager
Kate Balchin with gold medal winning Landmark lager

The Wold Top Brewery at Wold Newton, East Yorkshire, is staging a night of Shakespeare on Friday July 12.

Touring company 440 Theatre returns to the venue to perform A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Twelfth Night.

Wold Top director Kate Balchin said: “Prepare for an unforgettable night of laughter and with a British Seaside Twist!”Experience the hilarity of two of the Bard’s best comedies condensed into short, side-splitting shows.

"In a mere 40 minutes each, they distil the essence of Shakespeare’s masterpieces into uproarious performances. It was a sellout success last year and we’re anticipating it will have the same appeal this year.”


440 director Dom Gee-Burch said: “Stripping the narrative to its core, we keep the essence of Shakespeare’s words alive to help his magnificent stories shine at the heart of our shows. Anarchy is equally balanced with a safe and family-friendly environment.

”Our Shakespeare Double Bills are quintessentially British in their style of comedy. It’s pantomime meets theatre in the park, and we can’t wait to bring it back to the Yorkshire Wolds as part of our biggest tour to date.”

The performance will take place in the Brew Shed at the award-winning brewery that is based at Hunmanby Grange Farm near Wold Newton.

Tickets cost £16 for adults and £12 for concessions, including a pint or soft drink on arrival. Camping is also available. Doors open at 5.30pm and the show starts at 7pm. Visit https://bit.ly/WTShakespeare for details.

The live theatre night is one of a series of events throughout the year, including walking events, live music nights, two beer festivals, and a 10k all-terrain race in partnership with Bridlington Road Runners.

Wold Top was founded in 2003 and is located on the Mellor family farm at Hunmanby Grange near Filey. The team uses home-grown barley and water from the farm’s borehole to produce a range of award-winning cask, keg and bottled beers available throughout Yorkshire and nationwide.