Bath school where all pupils are engaged delighted by Good Ofsted report

A secondary school in Bath has been left "delighted" by a recent Ofsted report. Ralph Allen School was rated 'Good' by inspectors.

The report declared: "Ralph Allen School continues to be a good school. Pupils are proud of their school. They reflect the school’s ethos in the way they talk about expectations, celebration, and traditions."

Inspectors were impressed by the range of extracurriculars on offer at the school, from musicals to the Duke of Edinburgh scheme. Staff at the school said the Ofsted report highlights many of the strengths and achievements they have worked for.

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The Ofsted report said: "The school plans a broad array of enrichment activities. It makes sure these engage all pupils. Staff seek feedback from pupils to ensure there is something for everyone. For example, pupils speak excitedly about the annual sixth-form review.

"School productions, such as the ‘Sound of Music’ engage the whole school community. Many pupils take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme."

The report also praised student behaviour at the school: "At social times, pupils interact well. A few younger pupils say bullying sometimes happens, but all agree it is promptly dealt with when reported. Older pupils speak confidently about the positive behaviours in school. Pupils say they feel safe.

"Recent changes to the way pupils’ behaviour is managed have sharpened expectations. As a result, pupils with behaviour needs are better supported."

The curriculum was identified as another strength: "Over time, the school has developed an ambitious and well-sequenced curriculum. Teachers are passionate about the subjects they teach."

The school was also found to have gotten better at supporting students with special needs. Inspectors said: "Adaptations to the curriculum for pupils with additional needs have not always supported pupils well in the past. The school is focused on ensuring that adaptations are better implemented. It has improved the information teachers are given about how to support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). "

The report continued: "As a result, teachers are now more knowledgeable and so they help pupils with their learning effectively."

Despite all the successes, the report raised concerns about reading at the school: "The school’s planning for the wider reading curriculum lacks coherence. As a result, there is a lack of precision about how to develop pupils as confident readers. The school and the trust need to ensure the expectations for teaching reading are clear and in place."

Headteacher Nathan Jenkins said: “We are delighted to receive this report, which highlights many of the strengths and achievements of Ralph Allen School. We were pleased to receive the result of ‘Good’, as it was the very best outcome we could achieve through this type of inspection."

Mr Jenkins, who began in his role this academic year, continued: “I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our school community for their incredible contributions and continued support. My gratitude extends to our students, parents and carers, our school and trust staff, and our highly valued volunteers such as our governors, trustees and partners.

"Through our combined efforts I am confident that Ralph Allen will continue to provide our students with a great educational experience. They will continue to go on to further and higher education and employment with the skills and knowledge they require to be successful.”

CEO of Palladian Academy Trust Donna Tandy said: “I am delighted to see the difference Nathan and the entire staff team at Ralph Allen School are making to all of its students, their families and the wider school community. I am pleased that the inspectors have recognised the positive impact the new leadership team, and the close working relationship between the trust and school, has had on the school’s educational provision. I really look forward to what we can achieve together in the future.”

Ralph Allen School is a mixed-gender secondary comprehensive school which teaches students aged between 11 and 18. They had 1379 students in their school and 236 in their sixth form at the time of inspection.