BBC’s new Agatha Christie drama uses ‘an allegory of colonialism’ in show

David Jonsson plays policeman Luke Fitzwilliam in Murder Is Easy
David Jonsson plays policeman Luke Fitzwilliam in Murder Is Easy - MARK MAINZ/MAMMOTH SCREEN

Africa-inspired scenes have been added to the BBC’s new Agatha Christie adaptation to use an allegory of colonialism in the show, the director has revealed.

Meenu Gaur said that a story originally from West African Yoruba culture had informed sequences in the new TV adaptation of the mystery writer’s 1939 book Murder Is Easy.

“I thought it was a great allegorical story about colonialism and empire and how by becoming a part of another culture – which is what empire and colonialism is – what part of us as people becomes invisible,” she said.

The story – about a man who goes hunting and uses the pomade of two strangers before becoming invisible to everyone he knew and loved back home – shaped the opening scenes, in which the protagonist is chased through a forest.

The lead role of Luke Fitzwilliam is played by David Jonsson, who in 2022 was named best actor at the Black British Theatre Awards.

David Jonsson with Mathew Baynton, who plays Dr Thomas in the latest BBC Agatha Christie adaptation
David Jonsson with Mathew Baynton, who plays Dr Thomas in the latest BBC Agatha Christie adaptation - ANNE BINCKEBANCK/MAMMOTH SCREEN

The British actor previously told The Telegraph: “It’s the first time they’ve had a black lead in the entire history of Agatha Christie. At first it really shocked me to the point I didn’t want to do it.”

The opening scene of Fitzwilliam being chased features him holding an Ikenga, which is a sign of power among the Igbo people – an ethnic group in Nigeria – and the scene recurs throughout the first episode.

Siân Ejiwunmi-Le Berre, who wrote the screenplay, said of these sequences: “It’s kind of an in joke – I wanted to start the show in the way that shows about black people have always begun: with a black man running through a forest apparently being chased by something, in a white shirt, and then I wanted to blow it up.”

Recent BBC adaptations of Christie’s work have proved controversial, with some fans aghast that a 2015 version of And Then There Were None contained swearing and sex scenes which were not found in the novel.

Murder Is Easy marks the screenwriter’s first adaptation of a Christie novel, but she says she has watched all the adaptations that came before this.

Speaking about the decision to cast Jonsson as the lead, she said: “Obviously Luke Fitzwilliam is a white man, he’s a returning colonial police officer from a fictional place and throughout the book, Christie describes him as being brown.

David Jonsson in a scene from the adaptation of Murder Is Easy
David Jonsson as Luke Fitzwilliam attends a social occasion in Murder Is Easy - MARK MAINZ/MAMMOTH SCREEN

“Now, I’m a brown person, a brown woman, and…I just started thinking about him as a black person pretty much from the get-go and we decided to put it in the 1950s.”

She added that she had included some personal influences, explaining: “My grandfather came over in the 1930s and my father came over in the 1960s and I really wanted to talk about their experience as black immigrants in the year that we are celebrating Windrush.

“[I wanted] to talk about the other black entries into this country and how that happened and our place here, so that is one very obvious change [from the book].”

‘Things felt very true’

In the adaptation, Fitzwilliam, who was played by Benedict Cumberbatch in a 2009 series, is tasked with investigating reports of a serial killer in the sleepy English village of Wychwood-under-Ashe.

Jonsson is joined in the cast by Penelope Wilton and by Morfydd Clark, the star of Amazon Prime’s big-budget Lord of the Rings spin-off.

The actor said: “At first I wasn’t sure about it. I’m not a big fan of colour-blind casting and I don’t know what this was and to be blind to anything is no good thing.

“So I think I said no and they were quite persistent … and it turns out Siân wasn’t blind to anything. They were really doing something different with this one and incorporating things that felt very true.”

Murder Is Easy is coming to BBC iPlayer from 6am on Dec 27, and will be broadcast on BBC One at 9pm that evening, with episode two broadcast the following night.

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