BBC News presenter shaken as she shares devastating Michael Mosley update live on air

BBC News presenter Martine Croxall
-Credit: (Image: BBC News)

A BBC News presenter appeared visibly shaken as she shared a devastating update on the disappearance of Michael Mosley. The beloved TV doctor went missing on the Greek island of Symi on Wednesday (June 4), resulting in a huge search and rescue effort.

This morning (June 9), it was reported that a body believed to be that of Dr Mosley has been found. Tributes have flooded in since.

Presenter Martine Croxall appeared emotional as she announced the devastating development in the case, the Mirror reports. She said: "We have reports from the Island of Symi in Greece that a body has been found in the search for the TV and radio presenter Michael Mosley.

READ MORE: Jamie Oliver's touching tribute to Michael Mosley as body found

"A rescue worker has been talking to the BBC in the last few minutes. The authorities have been searching for Doctor Mosley in a remote mountainous area of the island.

"He'd gone missing on Wednesday after leaving his wife on the beach and set off for a walk around lunchtime. His wife Doctor Claire Bailey has said he had gone without his phone."

The This Morning doctor is thought to have fallen around 10 metres (32ft) off a cliff into the sea. The body, which has still not been formally identified, was discovered by search teams with cameras.

In an update on Sunday morning, Mayor Eleftherios Papakaloudoukas said: "During our search, and as we were approaching a cave next to the Agia Marina beach, we were shooting along the coastline with cameras. We saw an object next to a fence on the beach and when we zoomed in we realised that it was [a] body. He had probably fallen from a short cliff of about 10 metres."

Just yesterday, Dr Mosley's wife Clare spoke out about her husband's disappearance. In a moving statement, the first released publicly since her husband went missing, Dr Bailey Mosley said: "It has been three days since Michael left the beach to go for a walk. The longest and most unbearable days for myself and my children. The search is ongoing and our family are so incredibly grateful to the people of Symi, the Greek authorities and the British Consulate who are working tirelessly to help find Michael. We will not lose hope."