Beauticians Who Whiten Teeth Damage Oral Health

Beauticians and other unlicensed practitioners are leaving patients with permanent dental damage by using dangerously concentrated chemicals to illegally whiten their teeth.

Only dentists are qualified to "bleach" teeth using a maximum of 6% hydrogen peroxide.

Now there are calls for tougher punishments for those found guilty of ignoring the restrictions to make a profit - often using gels as strong as 33% in strength.

Cosmetic dentist Dr Sameer Shah, based in Norwich, says it is vital that the treatment is provided by someone who is medically qualified.

"The health of the patient will have been ascertained before we start and a correct diagnosis achieved and that's something a beautician cannot do," he said.

"Beauticians have had none of this training and they don't know how it can affect the dental health or oral health.

"We also don't know what beauticians are actually putting on your teeth, what the product is, what the concentration."

Natasha Crane, 18, knows first-hand the damage that can be done.

She did not have the £500 her dentist said it would cost to have her teeth whitened and instead paid just £30 to a beautician she found on Facebook, even though she was just 17 and underage at the time.

"I first realised it was hurting after 20 to 30 minutes and then, after she had taken it all off and I had rinsed my mouth with mouthwash, that's when I thought 'whatever's the matter with my teeth?'

"It felt like I had been punched in the mouth 100 times."

She was told the pain would go away after a couple of days but now Natasha has permanently sensitive teeth that hurt when she drinks hot or cold fluids and also in windy weather.

The beautician was later fined £1,800.

But the punishments should be tougher, according to Cllr Simon Blackburn, from the Local Government Association.

"People need to be made more aware of the laws and dangers on teeth whitening, with rogue practitioners given tougher sentences and larger fines," he said.

"Illegal DIY teeth whitening kits may promise fast results and a brighter smile but those containing dangerous levels of hydrogen peroxide are the equivalent of brushing with bleach.

"We want people to be extremely wary of DIY kits and we want people to consult with their dentist or look at the General Dental Council website to make sure any practitioners they're thinking of using are actually registered and authorised."

The illegal gels can cause burns and blistering as well as permanent enamel and nerve damage.

Kits bought from chemists only contain 0.1% hydrogen peroxide - 300 times less than some of those for sale online.