'Beloved' Rescued Sun Bears Get Health Check at Perth Zoo

Two sun bears underwent general anesthetic for a routine check-up at the vet hospital in Perth Zoo.

Footage shared on June 28 shows the procedure underway, including a clip of staff having to lift one of the knocked-out bears onto a table.

“Our teams examined their body condition, dental health, [and] joint mobility, and collected pathology samples for testing. We

Video transcript

Let me just see where she is.

We need to come up a little bit further.


12 p it's a light bulb.

Thank you.

Thank you.

No, it's not.


So you know like the first session with me.


I mean like I can't her she just Yeah.

Was it you have and show me?

How did I do that?

Yeah, I don't know.

According to the dental chat.

No, just a big do you have, are you going to the back more or I want to?

All right that there's no one here too.

So I was just gonna see if I could get a little bit then I'll start on.

Yeah, I just need one more.




Just while I get this done, it's a bit of an art and a sign.

Oh, I'll just get something.

I think you are.

I would love to try stra t let me take going on look better to sh back.


Ok. Oh my goodness.



So the first, the first thing is you never know who's the, the keeper that does the teeth because you might want to see this and if you wanna come over because I don't think she's back there.



But you could probably flush real far maybe.

But this gap is you can also work.

No, I think I would imagine it's helped you have.

Yeah, we definitely would just have to get laced off it.

Did you, um, did you one of them?



That's what you're gonna drive that you can afford it.



What does it feel as well?


And I think that's a lot better.

I think you didn't spray on it.

Not show me the Fs.

So, um, move it.