Ben Savage Says ‘Boy Meets World’ Clip Shows He’s “Always Been Passionate About Politics” As ‘GMA3’ Runs His 1990s Sitcom Character’s Speech

Ben Savage, the former Boy Meets World star who recently announced that he is running for Congress, landed national exposure with an interview on Thursday’s GMA3: What You Need To Know.

In the interview, the show ran a clip from a 1995 Boy Meets World episode in which his character, Cory Matthews, gives an impassioned speech in running for class president. “I’m not somebody special. I am just an average guy like of you, the simple, hardworking students who struggle day after day. Too much homework. Unfair teachers. And an antiquated justice system that relies too much on detention. And if elected, if I win, and you guys vote for me, I would say, to each and every one of you, ‘Hey, thanks!'”

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Savage was asked if the passion of his character or any of that message “still stand today.”

“I think I’d be wearing a better shirt. That was a bit oversized in the 90s,” Savage joked. “That was the big trend.”

He added, “I think that goes back to the theme that I have always been passionate about politics, and always been about doing good. And I think we could use more people in Washington, D.C. that are passionate, that are energetic, and they are eager to do the right thing, and are not about special interests but are about serving the American people.”

Savage faces what is shaping up to be a crowded field in his race for the 30th District congressional seat. Nick Melvoin, Mike Feuer, Laura Friedman and Anthony Portantino are among the candidates also running for the Democratic nomination. Incumbent Adam Schiff (D-CA) is not running for reelection as he runs for U.S. Senate.

Given that it is a news program, GMA3 likely would be exempt from FCC equal time rules that require broadcast stations to give equal time to candidates for office. But a broadcast airing of Boy Meets World reruns could invoke such provisions.

In his appearance, Savage said that issues like homelessness, housing and health care would be important issues in the campaign, but “it’s really about changing the tone. I think there is a negativity in Washington, D.C. that we need to address. We need to bring more young people into the political process. We need to increase civility. We need to work on getting things done in Washington.”

Savage, who is Jewish, said that he takes “great issue with the rise of antisemitism that is going on in this country and across this country. That too is something that needs to be addressed. For me it is about bringing people together and bringing young, passionate energetic leaders to the table.”

Savage ran for West Hollywood City Council last year, but did not win a seat.

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