Better Call Saul: Bali Ha’i review (Spoilers)

It’s remarkable how engaging Better Call Saul is, it’s nothing like it’s predecessor and most of its running time takes place in a law firm with characters talking. I think that it’s the attention to detail, the foreshadowing and intricate design of each scene that make it inherently good.

There’s excellent writing too, of course, which is complimented by the direction and use of music. It’s a series of components that makes BCS such an interesting show despite not being action packed every episode. This means that when it’s time to get some action, it feels all the more deserved as we’ve spent more time subtly developing the characters, bringing us to a point where everything makes sense in a natural way.

Plus the conversations are generally always engaging and interesting.

For the past few episodes, Mike’s story has slowly begun to spiral downwards and out of control. After making a deal with Nacho to take out Tuco, the consequences have lead to his granddaughter being threatened and his home invaded by a couple o’ goons. Hector is now the key antagonist, bringing him back with full limb control, was a masterstroke as he is roughly the same age as Mike, meaning they both hold a certain amount of gravitas.

When they stare at each other, you really don’t know who’s scarier. Also, the re-introduction of the twins was chilling, seeing them standing on the rooftop watching Mike and his granddaughter, was masterfully done, trusting that we recognize the silhouettes of these famous Breaking Bad antagonists.

I can’t wait to see where his story goes, his time making deals with the Salamanca family is definitely not over and I can’t wait to see how it plays out.

Elsewhere Kim gets a huge job offer and has a crisis about where she belongs, duping a rando guy from the bar for kicks. I love how her character has developed more this season, we’ve got to the point where Saul isn’t even the more interesting person, particularly as Kim is such a strong female character.

Saul/Jimmy still gets his time in the light, though. An early montage of him not being able to sleep except in his old room at the back of the salon was a real nice touch and his dismantling of the cup holder at the end was a great way to demonstrate how he won’t be standing by and letting his job force him down, not with Kim perhaps taking up new digs somewhere else.

With excellent cinematography and music, this was another excellent episode for Better Call Saul.