Better Call Saul stars reveal the one scene they wish they could have filmed

Better Call Saul stars reveal the one scene they wish they could have filmed

Stakeouts. Murders. Degradations of the soul. Petty scams. Courtroom shenanigans. Low-rent commercial shoots. Over six seasons of AMC's sublime Breaking Bad prequel Better Call Saul, Jimmy, Kim & Co. found themselves on quite the desert adventure.

Of course, there was only so much dark drama and offbeat comedy that could be covered in 63 episodes. Which is why — while putting together EW's Better Call Saul digital cover story — we decided to ask Bob Odenkirk, Rhea Seehorn, and the rest of the cast if there was one scene that they'd always wanted to film but never had the chance to. Maybe because there just wasn't time. Maybe because the story didn't need to venture into that space. Maybe because it would've been too absurd. In any case, as you mourn the loss of the show that always surprised, console yourself with these wistful and wacky wish-list moments that will intrigue, will amuse, and... will never happen. (Unless there's another movie and prequel/sequel…)


Mando was thrilled to see Nacho's determined mission of self-sacrifice in the final season. But he did wonder what it would be like to see a much different side of his solemn character, who clearly was not interested in the trappings of the cartel life. "I've always wanted a scene where you could see him really enjoy himself and be happy and just be himself," he says. Mando imagines a scene like that could fit nicely in a prequel movie about Nacho moving from Mexico to Albuquerque. "We see him spend time with a small-town Mexican girl that will remind him of the other side of their culture — the romantic, the poetic, the soft and tender and depth of emotion that I feel the character always had deep in inside of him, but didn't have anybody around him to truly express that and share that with him," he says. "But in hindsight, I think it's perfect because he never gets that release. And that's what makes him so wholehearted, that's why his iconography is so strong. When you look at that image, you go, 'That guy really meant it,' you know?"

Michael Mando on 'Better Call Saul'
Michael Mando on 'Better Call Saul'

Nicole Wilder/AMC Michael Mando on 'Better Call Saul'

Oh, and there was one other scene that would have been truly light, if rather on-the-nose. (You can probably guess it.) "Well, jokingly, we just started deciding to have a scene where he is eating nachos," he quips. "That really kind of silly joke. I kept telling [executive producer] Thomas Schnauz, 'When am I ever going to eat nachos on the show?'"


While McKean recognizes that there is no dramatic need for the following to exist, he would have loved to have fleshed out a key moment in the brothers McGill's relationship. In McKean's season 4 flashback appearance after Chuck's death, Jimmy and Chuck celebrate Jimmy's new legal career on a karaoke night and duet on the ABBA song "The Winner Takes it All" before crashing at his apartment at the end of the night. "What was breakfast like in the morning, you know?" McKean posits with a laugh. "It's like that scene of 'I have to give you coffee before we can go out to breakfast?' 'You call this coffee?'" I mean, really doing two brothers, one of whom had too much to drink, just seeing what their morning after would've been."

McKean wonders what a heart-to-heart morning-after bonding session would have done for their doomed relationship. "Who knows? If that had been a scene of Chuck and Jimmy really talking — because [the karaoke scene] is about as close as you ever see them in this, even though there's a level of arrogance on my part and a level of recklessness on Jimmy's part," he continues. "There is something about those two guys — you see them as brothers again." Plus, it might have led to another karaoke night on which they conquered "Dancing Queen." (Or maybe even a deeper cut: "He is Your Brother.")


It's safe to say that Fabian has not had great luck in coming face to face with murderous cartel players. (See: his dead body on the ground at Lalo's feet.) Still, the actor would have liked to have rolled the dice with a different guy. "I wanted to have a scene with Gus Fring," Fabian ssays. "I wanted to run into him somewhere. I thought for sure we would meet at some community function, and I would be able to have a suit-off with Giancarlo. He would say something and he would look at me, and we would admire each other's suits and there would be a token notion of like, 'We are like-minded individuals.' Because I think we kind of are. He's just in a different business. So that's what I was always hoping." Well, at least they got some quality time together in the superlab.

Patrick Fabian on 'Better Call Saul'
Patrick Fabian on 'Better Call Saul'

Greg Lewis/AMC/Sony Pictures Television Patrick Fabian on 'Better Call Saul'


Ever since Breaking Bad, Banks has been wondering about the romantic life of the grumpy, bottled-up fixer. "Who was Mike in love with?" Banks mused at EW's 2018 Breaking Bad reunion. "Because you don't touch Mike. If that person came out of the past and just touched him on the shoulder, he would almost collapse under that kind of gentleness, that kind of touch." Banks says that while he loved the way that Better Call Saul delved into the more vulnerable side of Mike, and how he felt responsible for his son's death, he wished the prequel would have also answered that question. "My biggest thing was — and it really disappointed me was — my son had a mother. Who? What was she? And I would've loved to have seen that character come in."

BOB ODENKIRK (Jimmy/Saul/Gene)

Jimmy and Kim made Better Call Saul a two-hander, but you've got to, well, hand it to Odenkirk for brainstorming this pulse-racing scene that would happen between another compelling duo: "Jimmy and Mike playing handball," he pitches. And how would it play out? "I think I'd get a racket in my head within two minutes," he says. "It's always so fun to do scenes with Banks and the Laurel and Hardy anger — or rather really, Mo and Curly, with Saul being Curly and Mike being Mo. It just killed me. He was simmering whenever he was talking to Saul."

Jonathan Banks and Bob Odenkirk on 'Better Call Saul'
Jonathan Banks and Bob Odenkirk on 'Better Call Saul'

Ben Leuner/AMC Jonathan Banks and Bob Odenkirk on 'Better Call Saul'


Dalton insists that he leaves all the dreaming and scheming to the writers. "I have no idea, man," he demurs. "I'm just an actor. I read my lines." Come on, there has to be something. "I don't know, one with Walter White would be great!" A meeting between the man who was killed by Gus and the man who killed Gus? Not sure if their timelines quite line up, but to paraphrase Lalo, "Nice!"


Gus displayed some impressive physical skills when he killed Arturo (Vincent Fuentes) by shoving a plastic bag over his head, slamming his head into a car, and zip-tying him in Better Call Saul, or grabbing Victor (Jeremiah Bitsui) and slicing his throat in Breaking Bad. Given that Esposito describes himself as a "very physical person," he has worked out an interesting idea in his head. It involves a workout. "I'd love to see Gus in the gym lifting weights. That would be such a weird thing!" he says. "Being surprised that he can lift more weight than you imagined — or lift nothing at all — would be really a gas to me."

Giancarlo Esposito on 'Better Call Saul'
Giancarlo Esposito on 'Better Call Saul'

Greg Lewis/AMC Giancarlo Esposito on 'Better Call Saul'


Did Seehorn think that the following scene would make any sense and would be appropriate for the show? No. Was she just kidding when she pitched it to everyone? Of course. Would it be utterly fascinating if they actually did it? You bet. "I always just thought it would be very funny if there was a poker contest with Jimmy , Kim, Gus, and Mike ," she says. "Jimmy would be out immediately. He can't cover up anything. And I feel like Gus would probably be good at it, but for some reason I feel Mike and Kim would be in the last round. I don't think either of them have any tells." Deal us in!

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