New plan for 88 flats near Abbey Park in Leicester

Friday House would be demolished and replaced with 88 flats in two five-storey blocks
-Credit: (Image: Google)

A developer hopes to build 88 new flats, with a "clubhouse", office space and a gym, just across the Grand Union Canal from Abbey Park. What is currently an industrial building would be demolished under the plans.

Documents published by Leicester City Council show that the development would involve a single-storey entrance building leading to two five-storey towers at Friday House in Friday Street, Leicester. While the building would be in what is mainly an industrial area, it would be close to the Abbey Walk footbridge leading into the park.

However, planning officers will also have to consider how the new building would affect protected buildings in the area - Abbey Park South Lodge and St Margaret's Church, which are both listed buildings - and the park itself.

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The application states that as well as the flats, about half of which will be one-bed and half two-bed, the new development would include an "ancillary residents’ clubhouse, hot desk space, gym, facility management office, car parking and communal amenity space."

An almost identical application was made in late 2022. The developers have argued that the location is suitable for housing due to Friday Street being a short walk from St Margaret's Bus Station, the park and the city centre.

Consultation continues until Wednesday, July 3, after which a decision is expected to be made by council planning officers. To comment on the application on the city council website click here.