The big Scotland inquest after nightmare Euro 2024 start as the Monday Jury answer 4 key questions

Now that the dust has settled on the massacre in Munich, where does the 5-1 pasting rank in Scotland’s table of tournament howlers?

Keith Jackson: Right down there next to rock bottom. And made even more brutal by the fact that there was so much about this team to believe in before a ball was kicked in the opening game. Now we are back to where we always seem to be, keeping our fingers crossed for a miraculous recovery while fearing there may be even more pain to come.

Scott McDermott: In my lifetime, it has to be the worst. Losing 3-0 to Morocco at the 1998 World Cup was bad but Friday night’s beating was on a different level. With so much at stake and expectations high, we were let down badly. We should have known better.

Andy Newport: We’ve had some shockers down the decades. Slapped for seven by Uruguay, left red faced by to Peru, Costa Rica and Morocco but this just feels every worse because as good as Germany are, they’re not THAT good.

Scott Burns: It is right up there. The likes of Costa Rica in the World Cup was worse but the manner of this defeat was damning. Yes, Germany are a top team but the Scotland performance was simply awful.

Steve Clarke shocked the Tartan Army when he dropped Billy Gilmour to face the Germans, but would starting the Brighton ace really made a difference?

Keith Jackson: The manager will say one man couldn’t have stopped the German onslaught and he’s probably got a point. But, the fact remains, when his team needed a bit of calm and composure and someone to take the heat out of the ambush their best bet was sitting on Clarke’s bench.

Scott McDermott: We’d still have lost the game but it was a mistake by the manager and he’d probably admit it himself now. Gilmour would have calmed us down in possession, taken the ball in tight spaces and given us some time to breathe. We missed his composure.

Andy Newport: Probably not if we’d have stuck with the game plan of continually bypassing midfield to go long. But you saw when we had the wee man in the team against the Dutch back in March that we can keep the ball and threaten top nations. Leaving him out denied us that option.

Scott Burns: I genuinely don’t think he would have made too much difference against Germany because our shape was all wrong. We tried to play out from the back and there was nowhere to go. The Germans physically would also have walked over Gilmour.

What changes would you make for Wednesday’s roll about with the Swiss?

Keith Jackson: If Gilmour isn’t given the chance to show what he can do in Cologne then Clarke will have dropped a potentially devastating clanger. For that reason alone he’s a certain starter. I’d also like to see James Forrest filling in at wing back down the right flank. Forrest has the experience and the quality to keep the ball when required and can also offer a threat going forward. This level all looks a bit too much for his Celtic team mate Anthony Ralston.

Scott McDermott: I’d bring Scott McKenna into the middle of our back three, with Jack Hendry on the right as Ryan Porteous is banned. I’d replace Tony Ralston with James Forrest at right wing-back, have Gilmour sitting in midfield, allowing Scott McTominay to push further forward. And I’d probably start Lawrence Shankland instead of Che Adams up top.

Andy Newport: We can’t die wondering so let’s be bold. McKenna in to replace Porteous. Forrest at right wing back with Gilmour returning as the deep-lying playmaker. Christie can keep his place but he has to get closer to Shankland as the striker.

Scott Burns: I would bring in Zander Clark, Ross McCrorie and Billy Gilmour. We also need to find a system where the sole striker is not so isolated.

How do you rate our knock-out stage chances now we’ve had the stuffing knocked out of us by the hosts?

Keith Jackson: Without wishing to come across all Negative Norman the feeling of pre-tournament optimism has taken quite some kicking. The truth is, Scotland will have to come up with a big performance entirely out of the blue if they are to keep themselves alive in Group A on Wednesday. The nation is left to hope it happens rather than truly believing that it will.

Scott McDermott: Watching the Swiss beat Hungary, you’d have to say they’re favourites against us on Wednesday. But we were never banking on anything against the Germans so the target is still the same - four points to get us through. A draw with the Swiss will set up a cup final in Stuttgart on Sunday.

Andy Newport: We’re into must-not-lose territory. Get something on Wednesday and we have a chance but judging by the way they swept the Magyars aside, it appears a tall order. An early goal is desperately needed to boost belief.

Scott Burns: I honestly now fear the worst. We have come into the tournament low on confidence and with several key players missing. I hope I am wrong but I can’t see us getting the four points we would need.