Bird whose natural habitat is 9,000 miles away dies in Suffolk

A Kookaburra that lived in Sudbury has died <i>(Image: Allegra Loch)</i>
A Kookaburra that lived in Sudbury has died (Image: Allegra Loch)

A Kookaburra bird that found home in the Suffolk countryside has died.

The bird, which is native to Australia, more than 9,000 miles away, had been living in Sudbury for almost 10 years.

The Kookaburra had been a popular sight for many visiting the market town.

Earlier this year, Allegra Loch managed to capture a picture of the bird while it was resting on a tree.

Speaking of the moment she spotted the bird, she said: "It was amazing to see on such a stunning clear day and managed to capture it.

"The bird had a good laugh too, as you can see in a couple of open-beak photos below, it really was an incredible experience."

Suffolk Wildlife Trust said the bird has been living in the area for about 10 years and before its death had been doing well.